Is there a place in the hugin documentation that explains the axes and 
directions hugin uses?

Both as a user and as a developer, this is a topic I have repeatedly 
needed, looked for, failed to find, experimented and learned, and then 
forgotten.  Until I recently finally took notes.

I primarily care about the six parameters of the camera's point of view:  
Yaw, Pitch, Roll, TiX, TiY, and TiZ.  But other parameters likely also 
clearer definition of direction.

I think of those as all describing both the motion of the camera in moving 
it from a hypothetical centered position to its actual position* and* the 
motion of individual pixels as they are moved from their positions in an 
input image to their positions in the output image (those two are the same 
direction of motion).  The opposite direction (from output position to 
input position) is an equally valid set of definitions, but I like those 

As best as I can tell by experimenting:
Hugin's X axis points right
Hugin's Y axis points down
Hugin's Z axis points back (positive values behind the observer)
Hugin's Yaw is a positive rotation "on" the Y axis
Hugin's Pitch is a positive rotation "on" the X axis
Hugin's Roll is a positive rotation "on" the Z axis

I am using the right hand rule for "positive" agreeing with every online 
site I have read on this topic:  On your right hand, point your thumb in 
the direction an axis points (direction of higher values of that 
coordinate); curve your fingers so they indicate a direction circularly 
around the direction your thumb points;  that is the positive rotation 

There is no similar agreement on whether that is clockwise or 
counter-clockwise:  Most sites think positive is counter-clockwise as most 
assume (and few state) that the axis is pointed *at* the viewer who sees 
counter-clockwise (as your thumb would if you point that right-hand-rule 
axis at yourself and see your fingers curved counter-clockwise).  Fewer, 
but still quite a large number see that as clockwise because they have the 
viewer looking in the same direction that the axis points.

Most online sites defining Yaw, Pitch and Roll, say those are on the Z, Y 
and X axes respectively, making hugin's choice of Y, X and Z important to 
document (unless I somehow got this wrong).  Hugin's choice of rightward, 
downward and backward for X,Y,Z is also unusual, but there doesn't see to 
be any "usual".  I expect we all learned rightward, forward and upward in 
basic math classes, but serious online discussions don't typically follow 
any standard other than right hand.

All the sites (and apparently hugin as well) agree that the sequence is Yaw 
then Pitch then Roll for "intrinsic" rotation which is mathematically the 
same as "extrinsic" rotation in the sequence Roll, then Pitch, then Yaw.

Intrinsic rotation is what I think of for camera motion:
1) Rotate on Y
2) Rotate on X' (where X' is the camera's X axis after its rotation on Z)
3) Rotate on Z'' (where Z'' is the camera's Z axis after both its earlier 

Extrinsic rotation is what I think of as the motion of a pixel from input 
to output:
1) Rotate on the global Z axis
2) Rotate on the global X axis
3) Rotate on the global Y axis

I would appreciate:
A:  Pointer to where this was already all documented and I wasted your time 
re-documenting it (but the exercise helped me cement it in my mind to help 
my future use and enhancement of hugin++)
B: Corrections.  What did I get backwards or seriously wrong?
C: Comments.  Such as are there simpler ways to be precise about these 
D: Similar info on parameters other than these six.

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