Andrew Helwer, le Tue 10 Jan 2012 02:08:46 +0100, a écrit :
> First of all, is Windows 64-bit supported? There is only a 32-bit release on
> the downloads page.

I have never tried to build a 64bit binary, but there is little reason
it should fail.

> However, when I specify the --enable-embedded-mode flag in configure in Linux,
> no libraries are built at all - the specified prefix directory contains only
> empty directories.

But the library is built, it's just not installed because projects often
prefer to link the library in, or something similar. If you want to
install libhwloc.a, simply fetch it from src/.libs/

> I've managed to compile a working static library on Linux using the headers
> generated by configure,

I'm not sure to understand. Doesn't passing --enable-static to
./configure already generate a static library?

> but am having a lot of difficulty doing the same on Windows - the
> Visual Studio compiler runs into a lot of issues. Is there a simple
> way to do this?

I have to say I know basically nothing about what Visual Studio expects
from a static library.


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