Title: Message

Progress in Anti-Terrorism Campaign

By The Associated Press,

Progress in anti-terrorism campaign between Sept. 14-30, as provided by the White House:


-Russia to share information, use of airspace for humanitarian flights.

-China to share information.

-India to share information, offer general support of U.S. actions.

-Japan to provide diplomatic and logistical support, aid to Pakistan.

-Australia offered combat forces, invoked Article IV of the ANZUS Treaty to declare that the Sept. 11 attacks on the United States amounted to attacks on Australia.

-South Korea (news - web sites) offered military medical, air and naval logistical support.

-United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia broke diplomatic relations with Afghanistan (news - web sites)'s ruling Taliban militia.

-Pakistan to cooperate with general requests for assistance, support.

-Secured overflight and landing rights from 27 countries.

-Obtained 46 multilateral declarations of support.

-Obtained NATO (news - web sites) invocation of Article V, declaring an attack on one as an attack on all.

-Unanimous, binding resolution from United Nations (news - web sites) Security Council requiring all member states to pursue terrorists and those who support them.


-Adoption of Terrorist Financing Executive Order.

-Froze approximately 30 al-Qaida terrorist network accounts in United States, 20 other countries.

-Put 27 names on the Terrorist Financing list.

-Conducting review of more persons, entities for Terrorist Financing list.

-Froze approximately $6 million linked to terrorists.


-Deployed 29,000 military personnel, 349 military aircraft, an Amphibious Ready Group and two carrier Battle Groups.

-Called up 17,000 reserves.

-Mobilized thousands of National Guard troops under state authority.


-Analyzed 241 serious/credible threats.

-Conducted 540 interviews.

-Conducted 383 searches.

-Issued 4,407 subpoenas.

-Arrested or detained 439 persons.

-Received support in criminal investigations from about 30 countries.


-Received offers of increased intelligence support from more than 100 countries.

-Approximately 150 arrests and detentions of terrorists and suspected supporters in over 25 countries.

-Intensified counterterrorist operations with more than 200 intelligence and security services worldwide.

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