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Russia to offer Iran nuclear reactors

MOSCOW - Russia will present a proposal next month for the construction of new nuclear reactors in Iran, in addition to an earlier Russian reactor project that has drawn fire from the United States, a top official said Tuesday. Russian experts are preparing a feasibility study for new Iranian reactors and will send a delegation to Iran in early October to deliver it, Yevgeny Reshetnikov, deputy nuclear energy minister, was quoted as saying by the ITAR-Tass and Interfax news agencies. Then in December, negotiations could begin on a possible new contract, he said. The proposed reactor or reactors could be built at the Bushehr plant, where Russian engineers are building Iran's first nuclear reactor, or elsewhere in Iran, Reshetnikov said. He said Iranian officials have long said they plan three more reactors without specifying where. "It is up to the Iranian government to decide which of them suits the Iranian side and where it will be built," he was quoted as saying. Reshetnikov said it would be cheaper to build another reactor at Bushehr, but that electricity demand in the Bushehr region is low so much of the electricity would need to be transported long distances. Meanwhile, the body of the first Bushehr reactor is to be delivered to Iran in November, he said. The reactor, under construction for a decade, has been largely assembled in Russia. Washington, which accuses Iran of sponsoring terrorism, has long urged Russia to abandon construction of the dlrs 800 million Bushehr reactor, fearing Iran could use the nuclear technology to develop nuclear weapons. Moscow and Tehran insist the plant could be used only for civilian purposes and will remain under international control. -AP
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