"Dave Williss" wrote on 2004-04-14 22:39 UTC:
> I've noticed that for the most part, XKeysym values are just
> the Unicode value of the character.

No, look closer, they are not. Unicode did not exist yet when keysyms
were defined, therefore, keysyms are in a sense something similar to
Unicode, but the code positions are competely different.

> However, there are
> obviously Unicode values which would overlap keysyms
> in the 0xFE00 to 0xFFFF range which would conflict.
> I've also noticed references to passing keysyms with
> the 0x01000000 bit set to mean that the lower part of
> the keysym is a Unicode value.
> So my question is, for what Unicode values do I _need_ to
> use the 0x01000000 bit and what ones should I not?
> I assume that if just set it for everything, old X clients
> would be confused by it and not know what to do.

The relationship between the keysyms and Unicode is currently being
addressed in a revision of the X11 protocol standard appendix that
officially defines the keysyms.

You can watch some of this process on the X.Org wiki page


In a nutshell: for characters for which a keysym already exists (with a
few exceptions where the meaning of the keysym is unclear), use the
existing keysym value. For characters for which no keysym exists, add
0x01000000 to the Unicode value and use that instead. An official
round-trip compatible Unicode mapping table for the existing keysyms is
under preparation and will be part of the next major X.Org release.



Markus Kuhn, Computer Lab, Univ of Cambridge, GB
http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/ | __oo_O..O_oo__

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