On 08/09/15 23:26, Mateusz Poszwa wrote:
Je 2015-09-07 08:56:26
Mrrob <r...@mrrob.info> skribis:

On 06/09/15 19:51, Mateusz Poszwa wrote:

Je 2015-09-06 08:20:53
Jeff Abrahamson <j...@purple.com> skribis:

When you say "big picture mode", I understand what i3 calls fullscreen mode
Does it work for you simply to switch to full screen after game launch?

I think I remember seeing some hooks that permit you to match certain
actions to certain events.  I can't find the documentation now, but maybe
someone else can fill in.  So I think you can express "when this type of
window maps, I'd like this action (toggle fullscreen) to happen".  (Or
maybe I'm thinking of workspace assignment
and I'm wrong.)

You probably meant to point to this:

On 5 September 2015 at 11:19, Liang Ying-Ruei <thumbd03...@gmail.com> wrote:

I love i3 but this confuse me a while.
I's possible to enter big picture mode with fullscreen enable, but
after launching game i3 won't focus to the new window but stay.
Is there any config or workaround that could provide the best
experience for big picture mode on i3?

As far as I understand, (and I don’t know what you mean by big picture
mode, so I’ll just assume you mean fullscreen mode) you are trying
to launch a program with a fullscreen window while running another
program, which already has a fullscreen window. By default i3 prevents
that, as usually when you make a window fullscreen, this means you want
to completely focus on it, and anything that tries to steal that focus
is inhibited. However, this behaviour can be changed. For details, see:

Hi all,

Liang is talking about "Steam Big Picture Mode" which is a <hipster
accent> 10-foot interface for the Steam digital distribution, DRM,
multiplayer and social networking platform </hipster accent>. Sorry, I'm
trying to be funny not patronising.

The Big Picture Mode starts in i3's fullscreen mode but launches new
windows for games/software. Liang's (and my) desire would seem to be for
these new windows to go fullscreen in front of the Big Picture UI.

Userguide Section 4.20 does not seem to provide an option for the above
behaviour and I haven't thought of a smart way to workaround this.

Have you tried to set popup_during_fullscreen to leave_fullscreen?
If so, please describe how it behaves, and how would you prefer
it to behave instead. If not, try it and do the above.


Hi Mateusz,

Thanks for the advice. Setting "popup_during_fullscreen leave_fullscreen" works well. I remember previously (24months ago) noting that it was unsatisfactory but I now notice that the behaviour is the same as normal mode (ie. steam not in big picture mode). Some games do not start fullscreen if in big picture mode or not but with that setting they will at least be in front of the big picture UI. I am sure that this can be blamed on the games that behave like this and not on i3.

Thanks again!


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