
I have attempted to clarify the information on the Learn activity page. I have also uploaded a modified Firefox.sh script to be Firefox version independent ( '*' for version).

I plan to work on the Homepage documentation today. There are features which are not yet documented. Bert Freudenberg has pointed out several areas where the documentation is misleading.

Please feel free to make suggestions or point out other areas that need to be documented or need clarification. This is really helpful and greatly appreciated.


On 06/20/2012 12:13 AM, Bert Freudenberg wrote:
On 2012-06-19, at 20:53, Tony Anderson wrote:

5. Make sure the Kls_demo_1.tar.bz2 file is unpacked on a usb drive.
The Learn activity checks all the mounted drives for a folder: kls.

That was the missing puzzle piece. I's still weird to require the USB drive 
even after I copied everything to the activity's content folder already. Why?

In any case, it looks like I was mislead by these lines in your code:

         cmd = 'cp -r ~/Documents/karma'
         cmd = cmd + ' ~/Activities/Learn.activity/content/'

Also note that in the new OS, USB drives will not appear in /media anymore.

Even after I fixed all that manually, it still does not work. The activity 
itself fails to start and show anything useful. It appears to only launch the 
web server and Firefox. In a separate window. Not fullscreen. Firefox shows 
only a directory listing, not the lessons. Quitting Firefox leaves the web 
server running.
If we can surmount the install problems, it should show the main screen seen in 
the screen shot on the website.

With the "kls" directory unpacked on the USB drive it works, indeed. But the 
other problems are still there - Firefox is not actually wrapped, it appears in a 
separate, non-Sugar window, whereas the activity window itself is not used.

But now I can comment on your original mail:

The sample content includes two milestones each for English, Mathematics, and 
Science developed and used by the teachers at École Saint Jacobs in Kigali, 

So the activity is in use already? It seemed quite unfinished to me.

A button on the home page allows users
to experience the activity with staff priviliges and as a student in P4, P5 and 

The "p4" button does nothing here.

There is also a 'Laboratory' subject where teachers can
prepare milestones and lessons for the coming term. The Laboratory also
support French to enable the French teacher also to create course materials.

Don't see the "Laboratory" subject.

The Explore subject is intended to provide extra-curricular courses which 
students can study to earn badges. At present it contains examples of various 
types of lessons including a Khan Academy video and associated exercises as 
well as a story (with audio) from the British Council. Learn is capable of 
launching Sugar activities.

Found the audio lesson in Explore/examples/1/4.

The examples
in ms02 require that ShowNTell, Quiz, Memorize, Turtle Art, and the Jukebox 
activity be installed. (Jukebox is used to play the Khan video).
If the activity launched by a Learn activity is not installed, it throws an 

With "ms02" do you mean "Explore/examples/2"? But clicking the green box does nothing. 
Same for the 3rd box labeled "Khan". The first box has a dark blue top for some reason, the others 
are light.

Oh. Trying again the tops now are blue too, and I can get to those lessons. Not 
quite sure how to get back from the Khan practice though (except for closing 
the tab). Is this just a local copy of some webpage from Khan academy?

- Bert -


IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

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