[IAEP] SCaLE 16X CFP Ends Monday 10/30/2017!

2017-10-27 Thread Caryl Bigenho
Hi All you SoCal OSSIE and SCaLE Fans!

It’s almost Halloween and that means SCaLE 16X is just around the corner…. 
Well, maybe way around the corner… It will be March 8-11, 2018 at the Pasadena 
Convention Center. But things happen quickly in the world of open source and 
the CFP (call for proposals) ends this coming Monday, October 13, 2017!


Southern California Linux Expo 2018 (SCALE 16x) The Linux Exposition of 
Southern California is proud to announce the 16th Annual Southern California 
Linux Expo ...

That means you have just this weekend left to put an idea for a talk together 
and get your proposal in. If your topic is chosen you will be notified by 
November 30, 2017. Then you will have lots of time between then and March to 
get your idea polished up and ready to go.

You will notice that there is not a special OSSIE track this year. They have 
decided to put the talks related to Open Source Software in Education in the 
General Track this year. That will give a lot more flexibility in terms of 
scheduling and should work out very nicely.

I want to encourage all of you, especially those of you who did all those 
terrific presentations in our OSSIE track last March, to think of possible 
talks you might want to present. Your CFP doesn’t have to include your whole 
talk by Monday. If you are chosen to present, you will have plenty of time to 
flesh out what you want to appear in the program.

If you have any questions about the CFP procedure or need help with your idea… 
send me a quick note. I can’t promise to have the answer, but I can promise to 
try to get it for you!

Hope to see you at SCaLE16X in March!

Caryl Bigenho

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)

[IAEP] Sugar Digest 2017-10-27

2017-10-27 Thread Walter Bender
1. Sugar Labs will be participating in Google Code-in again this year.
Ignacio Rodriguez and I are the program administrators and are now
gathering suggestions for bite-sized tasks in coding, documentation,
research, design, and outreach. We'll also be scouring the open issues in
the various Sugar-related repos for tasks. Please pass your suggestions out
way. Also, if you are interested in mentoring, please contact me. Finally,
it would great if you could help spread the word about the contest among
educators so that we can reach out to as many potential participants as
possible (the contest is open to 13-17 year olds). GCI is a great
opportunity to recruit new talent into the community. Details out the
contest are available at [1]. The Sugar Labs page describing out
participation is at [2].

2. There is a new release of Music Blocks available [3]. Features include a
marked improvement in performance and lots of bug fixes. Tip of the hat to
Devin Ulibarri, Edgar Quispe, and Euan Ong for their contributions to this

3. Congratulations to Lionel, Sameer, and Adam for being reelected to the
Sugar Labs oversite board. (And thanks to everyone who voted for my return
to the board as well.) Our next meeting is on 3 November at 19UTC in the
#sugar-meeting channel of irc.freenode.net.

[1] https://developers.google.com/open-source/gci/resources/contest-rules
[2] https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Google_Code_In_2017
[3] https://github.com/walterbender/musicblocks/releases/tag/v2.1

Walter Bender
Sugar Labs

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)