FYI...ini mungkin membantu kita merubah persepsi tentang ketidakbenaran
anggapan tentang kemungkinan kecelakaan yang disebabkan oleh aktifnya
Handphone di pom bensin selama ini.
Paling tidak berhati-hatilah, walaupun tidak pernah sekalipun terbukti di
Indonesia kejadian spt ini. Mungkin jenis handphone yang rawan pada
kecelakaan ini adalah jenis tertentu, tetapi sekali lagi hati-hati tetap


>  -----Original Message-----
> From:         Threadgold, Ian (Egypt)  
> Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2002 3:17 PM
> To:   Seaborne, Richard; Adams, Nicola; Bamford, Dave; Barker, Gary W;
> Barley, Brian J (EGY); Barousse, Chuck A; Blackburn, Tony G (JKT);
> Blanchard, Milt; Bremnes, Asbjoern S.; Buddery, Dave (ALG); Campbell,
> Steve (Calgary); Chergotis, Dean O; Conner, Donald; Crawford, Rod;
> Creighton, Dan; Dezelle, Jim D (UK); Dhanani, Shiraz   (Chaco); Donaldson,
> W. A. (Allen); Ezhar, Manaf; Foster, Mark (JKT); Garcia, Oswaldo; Garner,
> Stan E.; Gunawan, Gun; Hagras, Ahmed M; Herlugson, Chris J; Hill, Andrew
> W; Hornbeck, James A; Howe, Dave J; Jack, Ian G.(Sunbury); Jackson, Tim C;
> Johnson, Dennis P.; Keggin, James; Krebs, Candace M.; Lauck, Robert R;
> Lawrance, Dominic; Lilley, Graham G (ABZ); Lombard, Art D; Lott, Roger;
> Matarid, Tarek X; Mccarthy, Charles F; McDermott, Shaun; McKenzie, Andrew
> R (ABZ); Morasch, N Glenn; Neumann, Scott N; Nicol, Gary; Ormachea, Hector
> Z.  (Chaco); Purnell, Nigel P; Rebora, Paolo; Reeves, Clyde A; 'Ricardo
> Patuel'; Romero, Tony M (EGY); Rose-Innes, Nick; Ross, Allan A; Sheaffer,
> Aaron M (SUN); Smith, Mike (UTG); Thomas, Colin (Sunbury); Tucker, Jan;
> Usher, Nat; Watson, Erica; Wheller, Patrick M(EGY); Younger, John A
> Subject:      Another reminder about mobile phones
>  <<Mobile phone_Shell_03_2002_en__.doc>> A Shell safety bulletin - Another
> reminder of the dangers of using mobile phones while refueling cars.
> Please pass around your organizations
> Regards
> Ian

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