Bagi yang berminat membaca buku-buku tentang Medical Geology, dua buku
elektronik berikut barangkali cukup menarik. Silakan diunduh. Semoga


*1. Essentials of Medical Geology: Impacts of the Natural Environment on
Public Health*
by: *Olle Selinus*

* Publisher:    Academic Press
* Number Of Pages:   832, 19 MB, PDF
* Publication Date:   2005-01-25
* Link: **

This authoritative reference volume emphasizes the importance and
interrelationships of geological processes to the health and diseases of
humans and animals. Its accessible format fosters better communication
between the health and geoscience communities by elucidating the geologic
origins and flow of toxic elements in the environment that lead to human
exposure through the consumption of food and water.

For example, problems of excess intake from drinking water have been
encountered for several inorganic compounds, including fluoride in Africa
and India; arsenic in certain areas of Argentina, Chile, and Taiwan;
selenium in seleniferous areas in the U.S., Venezuela, and China; and
nitrate in agricultural areas with heavy use of fertilizers. Environmental
influences on vector borne diseases and stormflow water quality influences
are also featured. Numerous examples of the environmental influences on
human health from across the globe are also presented and discussed in this

* Covers recent advances and future research topics at the intersection of
environmental science and public health
* Developed by 60 experts from 20 countries and edited by professionals from
the International Working Group on Medical Geology
* Includes 200+ color photographs and illustrations
* Organizes information in a highly structured format for easy reference
* Written for a broad audience, ranging from students, researchers, and
medical professionals to policymakers and the general public

*2.  Medical Geology, Volume 2: Effects of Geological Environments on Human
Health (Developments in Earth and Environmental Sciences)*
by: *M. M. Komatina*

# Publisher:   Elsevier Science
# Number Of Pages:   502, 31 MB, PDF
# Publication Date:   2004-03-31
# Link **

Geology, one of the basic natural sciences, is proving to be of outstanding
importance in solving problems relating to:
    * agriculture
    * exploitation of the Earth's mineral resources
    * environmental issues
    * soil preservation
    * water
    * energy and other resources
    * protection against natural disasters (landslides, floods, volcanic
eruptions and earthquakes) as well as human health.

The main objective of the book Medical Geology: Effects of Geological
Environments on Human Health is to show how the geological environment
affects human health and to explore preventative methods for improvement.

This monograph consists of the following five segments:
    * Introduction
    * Geological and other factors and their influence on the human health
    * Subject, tasks and methods of geomedical discipline
    * Regional medical geology
    * Applied medical geology

The topics covered in this book will be of interest to a wide circle of
readers, including geologists, doctors, biologists, ecologists, planners and
many others who are dedicated to the quality and protection of human health.


2009/3/5 miko <>

>  Mas Yo dan rekan-rekan Gem-Lovers yang budiman,
> Alhamdulilah,  pancingan  mang Okim yang umpannya mineral Mesolite akhirnya
> nyangkut juga. Walaupun yang nangkep bukan Mineralogist atau Petrologist
> dalam negeri melainkan  dari negeri Paman Sam, ikannya ternyata seorang
> Registered Professional Geologist yang punya hobby ngutak-ngatik medical
> geology. Hobby langka ini  mungkin belum terpikir oleh para ahli geologi di
> negeri kita tercinta Indonesia.
> Terima kasih mas Yo atas sharing dan perhatiannya. Mang Okim insyaallah
> akan mengatur waktu agar kita benar-benar bisa berjumpa. Mang Okim akan coba
> usulkan ke IAGI Pengda Jabar / Banten agar ada special gathering IAGI dengan
> guest speaker mas Yo.  Kalau sulit, kita switch ke Masyarakat Batumulia
> Indonesia. Mohon mas Yo dapat mengirimkan segera time schedule mas Yo di
> Bandung.
> Mengenai mineral Mesolite, mang Okim setuju kalau mineral berserat ini bisa
> menyebabkan kanker. Hanya, mempertimbangkan kekerasannya, kemungkinan besar
> resikonya tidak sebesar mineral chrysotile / asbestos. Betapapun mang Okim
> mohon arahan, apakah penggosokan mineral Mesolite dengan proses basah bisa
> beresiko kanker juga.
> Sekian dulu mas Yo, sekali lagi terima kasih atas concern mas Yo. Semoga
> Tuhan YMK selalu melindungi langkah-langkah kita ke arah kebaikan. Kepada
> rekan-rekan Gem-Lovers yang mungkin kehilangan posting mang Okim sebelumnya,
> di bawah ini disampaikan lagi gambar mineral Mesolite yang indah menawan.
> Dan kepada rekan-rekan Mineralogist dan Petrologist, mang Okim menghimbau
> agar kalau ada temuan-temuan menarik, tulislah di milis IAGI agar kita semua
> bisa tambah wawasan dan tambah pinter - - - ta' iya !
> Salam batu mulia,
> Mang Okim
> Sujatmiko
> e-mail : or

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