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Aku gak tahu 1 Saudi Real itu berapa Yu Es Di ya?

- - -- - -
SR260 Million Donated in Telethon
M. Ghazanfar Ali Khan & Abdul Hannan Faisal Tago, Arab News

RIYADH/JAKARTA, 7 January 2005 - A Saudi telethon launched yesterday to
mobilize relief aid for victims of the Asian tsunami disaster collected
than SR260 million till the time of going to press, including an SR20
million donation from Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Fahd. Crown
Prince Abdullah pledged SR10 million while Prince Sultan, second deputy
premier and minister of defense and aviation, gave SR5 million.

The successful Saudi! telethon came as world leaders meeting in Jakarta
vowed yesterday to work together to help victims of the most
natural disaster in living memory as UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan
declared they were in a "race against time".

Jeddah-based Islamic Development Bank announced a $500 million relief
aid at
the meeting.

Overwhelmed by the spontaneous response to the telethon, one young Saudi
remarked: "We Saudis are known for our generosity but we don't make a
and dance about it... We do it very quietly."

The donations, which included SR25 million from Saudi Oger company, were
announced by Saudi Television Channel I. The telethon received
response from both Saudis and expatriates as a large number of people
including children were also seen lining up outside the television
and at the Malaz Stadium donation center in the capital to deposit their
donations in cash and kind. More than seven trucks and 66 cars lined up
outside! the stadium with donated clothes, milk, rice, dates and other

Riyadh Governor Prince Salman, who is supervising the campaign,
the importance of helping people in need as instructed by Islamic
He urged citizens to be generous in the telethon organized by the
television after the government tripled its initial pledge to $30
early this week.

People wishing to contribute to the tsunami fund were asked to call the
information center to enlist their donation or deposit their donations
certain designated areas.

A group of Islamic scholars also urged the viewers to donate generously,
while sitting in the studio of the Saudi television. In an appeal
carried by
the Saudi Press Agency, King Fahd urged Saudis and expatriates to
with the campaign to make it a success. The fund will be used to meet
essential requirements of the tsunami victims, who are in need of
assistance. Prominent contributors unti! l yesterday evening included
National Commercial Bank, which donated SR3 million and Riyad Bank (SR2
million). About 180,000 people died in the Dec. 26 tsunami, which struck
coasts of Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, Thailand and other Indian Ocean

Indonesians, Indians and Sri Lankans are among seven million foreigners
work in Saudi Arabia. More than 10 million foreigners including Indians,
Indonesians and Sri Lankans work in the Gulf.

Amid warnings from health officials that disease could significantly
increase the death toll, Kofi Annan urged countries that have pledged
than $4 billion in aid to come forward immediately with nearly a billion
dollars in cash.

Annan's appeal, delivered at the emergency international aid summit in
Indonesian capital Jakarta, followed an assessment by the World Health
Organization that survivors could succumb to cholera and dysentery
they received clean water and other basic services by the end! of the

At the one-day summit, world leaders welcomed debt relief for countries
by the disaster and backed the creation of an Indian Ocean early tsunami
warning system which could save lives in the future.

Annan appealed at the summit for $977 million to cover basic needs for
estimated 5 million people in the next six months.

"What happened on Dec. 26, 2004, was an unprecedented global
catastrophe. It
requires an unprecedented global response ... It is a race against
time," he

Governments around the world have pledged more than $4 billion in aid so
and private groups, corporations and individuals another $660 million.

The money will go toward helping survivors of the strongest earthquake
in 40
years and the tsunami it spawned. Many of them lost everything they had,
with nowhere else to go, some survivors were tentatively creeping back
their wrecked villages.

"I am scared. I am scared tsunami will come again ! and kill us," said
Lakshmi in a seaside village in south India.

"But we have to get on with our lives. Sometimes, I am lost. I wonder if
will live like this forever, if we will ever rebuild our home." Much of
aid will flow to Indonesia, which suffered almost two-thirds of those

At the United Nations, UN Emergency Relief Coordinator Jan Egeland said
efforts were increasingly focusing on the Indonesian island of Sumatra,
the isolated provinces of Aceh and Sumatra at its northern tip.

As many as a million people may have lived in the area before it was
by tsunami, but it was difficult to say how many remained because many
survivors had fled to the the hilly and heavily forested interiors,

"I do not think we are even close to having any figures as to how many
people have died, how many are missing, how many have been severely
affected," he told reporters.

In Aceh's devastated capital Banda Aceh, shop! keepers and restaurant
reopened for business yesterday, despite fresh aftershocks that
the daily hunt by survivors for clean water and food.

In a declaration at the end of the Jakarta summit, the delegates of 26
nations and groups welcomed debt relief for tsunami-hit countries and
supported creation of an early warning system similar to one set up in

They also called for stronger coordination of relief efforts and asked
United Nations "to convene an international pledging conference for the
sustainability of humanitarian relief efforts".

Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi said Japan, with its
experiences" with earthquakes and tsunamis, was willing to freeze debt
payments for affected countries and called on others to do the same.

In Edinburgh, British finance minister Gordon Brown said the Group of
rich industrial countries and the Paris Club of creditor nations must
ready to consider a! ll options.

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