Rekan-rekan Geologist semua...

Dalam rangka Celebreting 50th Anniversary IAGI, MGEI-IAGI mengadakan
seminar "Kalimantan Coal and Mineral Resources" (KCMR) pada hari
Senin-Selasa, 29-30 maret 2010 di Novotel Hotel, Balikpapan.

Sampai hari ini, sudah terdaftar participants untuk seminar sebanyak 123
orang dan 20 orang untuk field trip (Coal Seams in Kutai Basin and Coal
Mine Visits dengan instructor DR Andang Bachtiar dan DR Chairul Nas).

Panitia KCMR masih membuka pendaftaran untuk seminar dan field trip (maks
30 peserta).

Detail acara yang sudah disusun panitia KCMR 2010 adalah sbb. :

28 March 2010
17.00   19.00   Registration of participants
19.00   21.00   Welcome Dinner and Cultural Night, Novotel Hotel

7.00    8.00    Registration of participants
8.00    8.30    Opening Ceremony
8.30    9.15    Key Note Speech - UU dan PP Pertambangan Minerba (Dirjen
Minerbapabum, Dept ESDM)
9.15    10.00   Geology Based Spatial Planning and Related Mining Issues
(Kepala Badan Geologi, Dept ESDM)
10.00   10.20   Coffee Break
10.20   11.00   Mining Industry Outlook (Executive Director of IMA)
11.00   11.40   Kalimantan Sedimentary/ Coal Basin (Andang Bachtiar - ETTI)
11.40   12.20   Kalimantan Magmatic Systems  (Bambang Priadi - ITB)
12.20   13.20   Lunch
13.20   14.00   Coking Coal Quality of Central Kalimantan (Chairul Nas &
Hidartan - Trisakti University)
14.00   14.40   Porphyry Copper - Gold Systems in Central Kalimantan (Mansur
Geiger - KGC)
14.40   15.20   Geology of Block VI: History of Arutmin Discovery (Elino
Febriadi - Arutmin)
15.20   15.40   Coffee Break
15.40   16.20   Skarn and sediment hosted mineralization in Buduk, West
Kalimantan (Brett Gunter - GMT)
16.20   17.00   Coal Stratigraphy of Separi, East Kalimantan (Dany Aswin et al
- Straits)

20.00   22.00   MGEI Discussion: Sampling Protocol and QA/ QC for coal (Host:
Noel Pranoto) - Bengkirai Room

8.30    9.10    Aspects of coal exploration (Stephen Macmillan - GMT)
9.10    9.50    Geology of the Ruwai Iron and Zn-Pb-Ag Skarn Deposits, Lamandau
District, Central Kalimantan (Lucas Donny et al - UGM)
9.50    10.30   A probabilistic approach to estimation of coalbed methane gas
in-place for Kalimantan (Tim Moore - Arrow & Mike Friederich - Tigers
10.30   10.50   Coffee Break
10.50   11.30   The geology, alteration and mineralisation at the Jelai Gold
Project, Kabupaten Bulungan, East Kalimantan (Brett Gunter - JCM)
11.30   12.10   Evaluation of Kalimantan Coal Quality in Order to Select the
Appropriate and Effective Utilization Technologies (Bukin Daulay -
12.10   13.10   Lunch
13.10   13.50   New Discovery of Bauxite deposit in Toho, Mempawah Regency,
West Kalimantan (Made Surata et al - Antam)
13.50   14.30   Application of an Analytical Spectral Device in Alteration
Mapping of the Seruyung Project, East Kalimantan (Atmasari Rura et al -
14.30   14.50   Coffee Break
14.50   15.30   Geological Investigation and Geolectric Tomography Study on
Iron Ore Deposit of Kendawangan, Kendawangan (Andri Subandrio et al - ITB)
15.30   16.10   Resource estimation of iron ore prospect at Sejambuan, West
Kalimantan - using geostatical analysis (Bambang Ariwibowo - Harita)
16.10   17.00   Concluding Remark and Discussion

19.00   22.00   Meeting of IAGI Pengda Kaltim - Bengkirai Room

Untuk informasi lengkap dapat menghubungi panitia di :
1. Elino Febriadi,
2. Yan Adriansyah,
3. Arif Zardi Dahlius,

Demikian pemberitahuan ini, atas perhatian dan support rekan2 Geologist,
diucapkan terima kasih.



PP-IAGI 2008-2011:
ketua umum: LAMBOK HUTASOIT,
* 2 sekretariat (Jkt & Bdg), 5 departemen, banyak biro...
Ayo siapkan diri....!!!!!
Hadirilah PIT ke-39 IAGI, Senggigi, Lombok NTB, 29 November - 2 Desember 2010
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