Hi Everyone!  Hope you're staying cool.  We're having a
a heatwave in Endicott. :-)

Cross posted to IBMMAIN, IBMVM and LINUX-390 for those who
are interested in hour-long educational opportunities
for Linux on System z.
(Remember that you can find links to this webcast and other
 events on the events calendar, http://www.vm.ibm.com  )

For those of you who are interested in Linux on System z, the next
Linux on System z IBM webcast is Wed July 7th at 9:00 AM EDT OR 2:00 PM EDT.
There is no charge to participate in this technical education
session but you must register (so that you can receive the note back
with the information).  Don't wait til a minute before the call. :-)

Date: Wednesday July 7th, 2010
Time: Choice of 9:00 AM EDT OR  2:00 PM EDT
Title: Linux on System z Disk I/O Performance
Speakers: Mario Held and Martin Kammerer,
          IBM Boeblingen Programming Laboratory
Abstract: The session is covering the latest performance results and
tuning tips for Linux on System z. It includes tuning and setup
recommendations for disk I/O, focusing on a comparison of ECKD
versus SCSI disks, considerations concerning storage servers and
Linux disk I/O options.

Date: July 7, 2010
Time:  9:00 am EDT / 8:00 am CDT / 13:00:00 UTC
URL: To register for this event, please go the following link:
Date: July 7, 2010
Time:  2:00 pm EDT / 1:00 pm CDT / 18:00:00 UTC
URL: To register for this event, please go the following link:

TimeZone: Use the World Clock to translate the time for this meeting to
your local time!

Developed for: Linux on System z Customers, IBM Business Partners, IBMers
Technical level: Intermediate
Duration:  75 minutes

**Attention:  If you currently have an Adobe userid and password,
please use it when you are registering for this webcast.
If this is your first Adobe event, you will create an Adobe userid and
Please remember your userid and password to attend upcoming Adobe events.
You need to register for EACH event, but only need to create an ID and
password once.**

Confirmation:  After completing your registration for this webcast,
you will receive an invitation that includes the specific URL to attend
the webcast.
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Connectivity Problems to live webcast contact:
Adobe Connect Helpdesk ? 1-877-239-6378 OR 1-719-944-1681.

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runtime software. As a participant, you can run on Windows, Linux, or Mac.

The test URL above includes the download of an "Adobe Connect Add-in"
 because it makes the participant experience better; however it is only
actually required if you are a Speaker/Presenter.

Replay:  This session will be recorded and a replay will be
available by July 14, 2010 at http://www.vm.ibm.com/education/lvc

Please direct any questions to Julie Liesenfelt at jul...@us.ibm.com.
Please direct any questions to Julie Liesenfelt at jul...@us.ibm.com.
Please direct any questions to Julie Liesenfelt at jul...@us.ibm.com.

Thank you for attending.

Adobe, the Adobe logo, Acrobat and Acrobat Connect are either registered
trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the
United States and/or other countries.

Please direct any questions to Julie Liesenfelt at jul...@us.ibm.com.
Please direct any questions to Julie Liesenfelt at jul...@us.ibm.com.
Please direct any questions to Julie Liesenfelt at jul...@us.ibm.com.

Pam C

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