
I know there are many users of my IPLINFO exec that monitor this
list so I thought I would post some news about a new feature.

After a recent thread on ISPF-L, I updated IPLINFO to have an alter ego
as a REXX function.  The function execution format can be used to
retrieve up to 10 variables that are used in the exec.  This could
be useful in other rexx code instead of having to copy IPLINFO code
snippets into it (I know others that have done this and I have done
it as well).

For example, the subject of writing a one line message to a data set
about IPL information was mentioned to me recently.  It can now be
done easily using IPLINFO like this:

/* REXX */
/* one liner IPL information using IPLINFO rexx function */
IPL_SUMMARY  = Iplinfo(VAR,ipldate,ipltime,iplvol,ipladdr,iplparm)

06/12/2005 02:06:26 RESD10 D000 700AD0M1


/* REXX */
/* one liner IPL information using IPLINFO rexx function */
IPL_SUMMARY  = Iplinfo(VAR,ipldate,ipltime,iplvol,ipladdr,iplparm)
parse var IPL_SUMMARY ipldate ipltime iplvol ipladdr iplparm
say 'Date:'ipldate 'Time:'ipltime 'Vol:'iplvol ,
    'Load addr:'ipladdr 'LOADPARM:'iplparm

Date:06/12/2005 Time:02:06:26 Vol:RESD10 Load addr:D000 LOADPARM:700AD0M1

If interested the updated IPLINFO version is on my web site now and
should be on the CBT updates page in the near future.


Mark Zelden
Sr. Software and Systems Architect
Systems Programming expert at http://Search390.com/ateExperts/
Mark's MVS Utilities: http://home.flash.net/~mzelden/mvsutil.html

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