On Mon, 5 Dec 2005 11:01:19 -0600, Alan Schwartz

>We've had many times that our Customers IDCAMS DELETE statements fail due
>to a
>DATASET IN USE condition.  We would like to somehow trigger a GRS display
>or perform
>a GQSCAN at the time this occurs but have been unable to find a way to
>intercept this
>condition to see who has the enqueue on the dataset in question.

I'm not fully understanding what you're trying to accomplish. But assuming
you just want to produce a trail at the time of failure, you could add a
conditionally executed step that issues the operator command "D GRS,RES=

If you're trying to ensure that you can get an exclusive enqueue for the
dataset before delete, you could include a dd stmt for the dataset. Of
course, you could do the delete using DISP and skip the IDCAMS delete

If you need something fancier, you could wrap the IDCAMS call in a rexx
exec that tries to allocate the dataset before deleting, You could also
parse the output from the D GRS cmd in this exec if that was useful.


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