I have just posted an update to my PDSEGEN ISPF application. This tool is
extremely helpful if you are using PDSE Version 2 libraries with generations


You can find it at http://www.lbdsoftware.com


Check it out - comments and suggestions appreciated.  It is distributed
under GPL with no warranty or guarantee.


>From the $DOC member of the distribution pds:




1.  Browse works as you would expect it to

2.  Using Edit or View you can use all normal edit commands,

    including edit macros. However commands that reference other

    members can only reference the base, or generation 0, member.

3.  Multiple members may be selected for Browse or View but Edit

    will only work if the member IS NOT saved or updated.  If a

    member is saved or updated then all rows for that member are

    deleted and re-added to include the updated generation info.

4.  It shouldn't have to be stated but generations are only

    supported for PDSE Version 2 datasets where generations have

    been enabled.

5.  Edit will be converted to View for non-0 generation members.

6.  The Compare command only accepts relative generation numbers.

7.  The Compare line option will compare the generation to the base


8.  It is possible to allow Edit to edit a generation BUT when that

    happens only the generation is updated and the base member is

    NOT updated. Thus the generation with the update could be lost

    and/or hidden since it is not possible to access a generation

    using dynamic allocation or JCL.


    This application has been configured to prevent editing non-0


11. The e-mail option utilizes XMITIP using the XMITIPFE (front end)

    exec. This option is only available if the mail variable is

    customized to 1.

12. Aliases are NOT supported by the PDSEGENI Rexx Function so this

    application does not support aliases (at this time)     


Restrictions of PDSE V2 Generations:


1. The MAXGENS option defines the number of generations plus 1 for the

   base or generation 0 member.  Thus a MAXGENS of 10 yields 11 members.

2. A Rename of a member leaves the generations under the original name.

   This will result in this application not seeing the generations for the

   renamed member unless a new member with the same name is created.

   * this option is not available with this application

3. You can delete an individual generation and that will leave a gap

   in the generations. This will result in this application stopping its

   member search at the 1st gap.

   * this option is not available with this application

4. Use of TSO DELETE will delete the base member BUT will NOT Delete

   any generations. The ISPF LMMDEL service will delete the base

   member and ALL generations. This application uses the LMMDEL


   - If you delete a member and all generations and then create a new

     member with the same name. All generations for the new member

     will start with the previous members generation next high

     generation number.

   - Some ISPF applications do not use LMMDEL to delete members but

     use the equivalent of the TSO DELETE, with the same results.

5. The use of ISPF copy services, including 3.3, will NOT copy any

   generations. Nor will IEBCOPY. The only tool to copy generations

   is DFDSS (a full dataset dump/restore/copy). This application does

   not support copying at this time.

6. If you Edit a generation other than 0 and save it then no new generation

   is generated. That only happens when editing generation 0.

7. You CANNOT access any generations using JCL or dynamic allocation.

8. You can force a new generation, when editing generation 0, by using

   the Edit command SAVE NEWGEN.

9. You can prevent the creation of a new generation by using the Edit

   command SAVE NOGEN     


Lionel B. Dyck <><
Website:  <http://www.lbdsoftware.com/> http://www.lbdsoftware.com

"Worry more about your character than your reputation.  Character is what
you are, reputation merely what others think you are." - John Wooden




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