Anyone heard of

Opswise - Universal Automation Center from Stonebranch


-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@LISTSERV.UA.EDU> För R.S.
Skickat: den 28 december 2020 14:35
Ämne: Re: JCL divergence

W dniu 23.12.2020 o 00:35, John McKown pisze:
> On Tue, Dec 22, 2020 at 5:26 PM Gibney, Dave <> wrote:
>> Windows....Job...Huh
> Right. I am so ignorant, perhaps the Windows (and Linux?) world 
> doesn't even have any unattended scheduled activities. I know that 
> there is a "Windows Scheduler" that can run a batch file (MSDOS .bat) 
> automatically at a given time or when a particular user does a "log 
> on" (perhaps akin to a TSO logon proc).
> If the above is true (no automated unattended work), I wonder how 
> companies do {month,quarter,year}-end processing to generate reports 
> to send to appropriate governmental bodies. Or even, as in my 
> employer, to policyholders.

As other said, there are many batch schedulers available on Windows (and 
Linux). Some of them are well known mainframe product cousins like BMC 
ControlM, IBM TWS (former OPC), CA ESP. However there are other tools, which 
grew up on Windows platform and they have no z/OS version or this version is 
really poor. I warned you ;-) However it is extremely important to understand 
there are big differences between JCL (z/OS) and Windows world. Yes, JCL (and 
z/OS and
JES) is much, much better. And there are significant differences between z/OS 
and Windows based tool. Everything looks good when you schedule single step 
IEFBR14 job on one side and "echo Hello world" on the other side. But it is not 
usual production batch flow.

Radoslaw Skorupka
Lodz, Poland


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