[Default] On 22 Apr 2016 14:35:22 -0700, in bit.listserv.ibm-main
esst...@juno.com (esst...@juno.com) wrote:

>More American Workers displaced by there Employeers
>New York Life, Morgan Stanley, Walt Disney, Emblem health, and more
If I were these employees I would start looking at HIPAA and other
privacy laws.  Indeed any country should look warily at sending
personal data out of country where it is subject to another country's
laws and protections (or lack thereof).  The security issue is not
just European protectionism but a vital issue for all citizens of the
various countries.

Clark Morris
>When does this madness end ??
> alth-ceo-sets-major-it-layoff.html.
> -to-save-jobs.html
>NYTIMES Outsourceing
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