Remote system programming used to mean using a keypunch machine outside the data center. Then 3270-style devices allowed increased potential distance -- and hike -- to and from mainframes. Finally, networked terminals, workstations, tablets, and smart phones made location irrelevant. Whether in an office or working from home, system programmers/administrators can now be in the next office, next building, next city, next time zone, next continent.

Or, can they? Is there good or bad news here? Whether or not they ever did, do today's system programmers need physical access to data canters? Why or why not? How far is it practical to be remote (from systems, colleagues, managers, everything) before distance from -- lack of immediacy to -- data center, operations staff, users, matters?

If you're doing remote support/admin, what are your tips regarding technologies to use, work practices, challenges, problems to solve, etc.? What connectivity is necessary, what equipment do you need (or wish for) at hand? Can you wrangle z/OS from a tablet or phone? What do you wish you'd known when you started providing remote support?

Please copy replies to me directly so they're not buried in list digest; I'd appreciate hearing back by Friday, December 16th.

I've collected some discussion about this from the lists so I'll likely query a few people directly.

Please include your name and affiliation so I needn't request it. And remember, this is for publication -- while I can likely paraphrase what's said if you'd rather be anonymous, for credibility, I'd much rather attribute statements.



Gabriel Goldberg, Computers and Publishing, Inc.
3401 Silver Maple Place, Falls Church, VA 22042           (703) 204-0433
LinkedIn:            Twitter: GabeG0

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