[id-android] WTA: MIUI music or 3 ga stabil

2011-04-21 Terurut Topik Marris Julio Santoso
Suhu suhi, mau tanya dongs, kenapa yaa MIUI music or 3 sy ga stabil klo dicolok kabel jack/earphone, jd sering ganti2 sendiri music yg diputer nya, terutama klo goyang2 jd sering next song gt. Truz klo lg pake player bawaan htc, tiba2 MIUI or 3 jd sering ikutan ng-play jg. Tp klo pake earphone

Re: [id-android] WTA: MIUI music or 3 ga stabil

2011-04-21 Terurut Topik Ahmad Saiful Muhajir
Di MIUI Music Player ada pilihan dalam Settings: *shake to skip the song*. Mungkin perlu dimatikan. 2011/4/22 Marris Julio Santoso marrisjuliosant...@gmail.com Suhu suhi, mau tanya dongs, kenapa yaa MIUI music or 3 sy ga stabil klo dicolok kabel jack/earphone, jd sering ganti2 sendiri music