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"Morning greetings doesn't only mean saying 'Good Morning'.
It has silent message saying that I remember you when I wake up.
Wish you have a Great Day!" -- Ida & Krisna

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--- Begin Message ---

How to Stay Young Your Whole Life by Dr. Charles Stanley


Have you ever noticed that, while some people in their eighties still seem youthful, others appear old at forty? 

Of course, it is natural and normal for the body to age, but it is a completely different story when a person gets old “


People don’t have to get old unless they choose to do so. Instead of asking,“

How old are you?” we should ask, “How many years have you lived?”

There are seven things to keep doing in order to stay young your whole life:

1.      Keep Learning
Don’t settle for what you already know – as soon as you accept things as they are, you cease to stay young.  Keep gaining knowledge about valuable things.

2.      Keep Loving
Unhealthy emotions negatively affect our body, our mind and every aspect of our life.  Unhealthy emotions such as these indicate something is missing from our life. Perhaps destructive patterns like self-centeredness, jealousy or anger have take root instead of love.  But unless we have the capacity to love someone, we cannot be the person we want to be. Love causes energy to flow in our life – people who love, remain youthful in their spirit for the simple reason that they have anticipation and excitement.  If we don’t love or feel loved, we will quickly start to age.  Therefore, in order to stay young, fall in love and learn to let somebody love you.

3.      Keep Laughing
Did you know that laughter affects every cell in our bodies?  When we laugh, our immune system is stimulated, as is our creativity.  In addition, we tend to let down our defenses and become more open and transparent. Sometimes being able to smile is a matter of switching our focus from our circumstance to our blessing.  Most of us have good health, a place to live and somebody who loves us.  What about wonderful children, grandchildren, sisters, brothers, a husband or a wife?  Or consider things you appreciate not having, such as disabilities, pain, danger or fear.  Every one of us should have a thankful heart – and our gratefulness will yield cheerfulness. Keep in mind that laughter is not restricted to the young; we should never get so old that we can’t laugh.  Express what we feel and enjoy life. Take yourself less seriously.

4.      Keep Laboring
This means that we should be fruitful and productive, regardless of our age.  We start aging when we stop being challenged and motivated

5.      Keep Leaving…
...emotional baggage.  Too many people live in the past, clinging to old hurts. Plagued by criticism, rejection and jealousies, they are weighed down by bitterness and haunted by old resentments and hostilities.  Such unrelenting memories bend the spirit, the emotions and the body.

6.      Keep on Longing…
...for better things.  Don’t give up on your dreams, or you will start aging.  I learned a long time ago that I am the most motivated, efficient and content when I am working toward a goal or looking forward to enjoying a desire.  Anticipation keeps us young.

7.      Keep Leaning…
...on God.

--- End Message ---

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