Hi Carsten,
At 06:11 21-09-2012, Carsten Bormann wrote:
Actually, in this case I'd rather have the author resubmit, just to make sure not only the rest of the WG, but also the author continues to like the draft...
(But I'm not chair for this WG.)

It's better if the author resubmits the draft.

(My problem was not that draft expiry makes the process more complicated, but that the chairs didn't notice the expiry and I can't blame them.)

Ah, that's a different problem. There was a draft which went through WGLC without any further action for nearly a year. The lifetime is a "tool" which can be used to gauge whether the author continues to like the draft or is still interested in working on it. It is also a way for the author to gauge whether the IETF is still interested in working on the draft.


P.S. If you say that the draft expiry makes the process more complicated, that's the view that primes and not what I want to believe.

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