A new IETF non-working group email list has been created.

List address: hot...@ietf.org
Archive:  https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/browse/hotrfc/
To subscribe:  https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/hotrfc

This mailing list is for anyone requesting an agenda slot for a pre-IETF 
Request for Conversation (HotRFC) lightning talk session.

Goals for these lightning talks can include encouraging brainstorming 
conversations, helping new work proposers find collaborators, raising awareness 
of relevant work going on elsewhere, and promoting BarBoFs. 

Presenters will have 4 minutes to make their case for collaboration. 
With strict time limits, concise talks will give viewers a sense of whether 
they’d like to know more and, importantly, coordinates on how to do so. 
Interested folks can contact the presenter and continue the discussion after 
the session.

With the current hybrid IETF meeting format, we’re going to keep things rather 
simple and permit only live presentations, either on-site or remote via 
MeetEcho.  Slides must be submitted in advance.
To request a slot, submit a short abstract to hot...@ietf.org no later than 
2400 UTC, Friday, prior to an IETF meeting. The abstract should include the 

- Talk title
- Presenter, Affiliation, and whether you’ll be presenting in person or remotely
- Short topic abstract (topics should be IETF- or IRTF-related in some way)
- What you're looking for (education, collaborators, implementers, etc.)
- How to learn more, contact those involved, participate in existing mailing 
lists and scheduled meetings, and/or relevant formal or side meetings.
- Any relevant drafts or helpful resources you’d like collaborators to look at

To provide slides, submit ppt or pdf to hot...@ietf.org no later than 2400 UTC, 
Saturday, of IETF meeting week.
The actual talks will be given on Sunday evening of IETF meeting week.

Talk abstracts and slides will be posted on the datatracker IETF meeting 
agenda. The agenda will be updated as requests and slides come in.

This list belongs to IETF area: GEN

For additional information, please contact the list administrators.

IETF-Announce mailing list

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