A new IETF non-working group email list has been created.

List address: no-draft-exp...@ietf.org
Archive:  https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/browse/no-draft-expiry/
To subscribe:  https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/no-draft-expiry

The no-draft-expiry mailing list discusses removing expiration dates from 
Internet-Drafts. The list will discuss what functions have historically 
depended on having expiration dates and what measures might better serve those 
functions if explicit expiration were removed. Measures might result in either 
procedural or tooling changes, such as improving the draft metadata in the 
Datatracker. This list may propose a BoF or it might just serve as the focus 
for discussion of drafts and tooling changes.

This list belongs to IETF area: GEN

For additional information, please contact the list administrators.

IETF-Announce mailing list

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