This is an announcement of an interim meeting for the NSIS working group. 
The meeting will be held on May 23rd and 24th in Munich, Germany.

The venue of this meeting will be:

Siemens Conference Center, House Passau
Richard-Strauss-Strasse 76
81679 Munich

Details on location, travel, hotels, etc. are at: 

The planned agenda is:

Monday May 23, 2005
NTLP Issue Update
NTLP Implementation issues
QoS Template & Model Discussion
QoS NSLP Update

Tuesday May 24th, 2005
NAT/FW NSLP open issues
3GPP2 Firewall Signaling issues
NSIS Mobility Considerations

Current drafts to be discussed are:

GIMPS: General Internet Messaging Protocol for Signaling
NSLP for Quality-of-Service signaling
A NAT/Firewall NSIS Signaling Layer Protocol (NSLP)
QoS-NSLP QSpec Template
Applicability Statement of NSIS Protocols in Mobile Environments
RMD-QOSM - The Resource Management in Diffserv QoS model

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