Re: Removal from the list

2001-08-02 Thread Harald Tveit Alvestrand To join the IETF general discussion list, send a request to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] and enter the word subscribe in the Subject line of the message and in the message body. To unsubscribe from either list, send a request as described above but containing

Re: LDAP authentication passwords

2001-06-07 Thread Harald Tveit Alvestrand
At 15:34 06.06.2001 -0400, FOREST Laurent wrote: Hello, reading RFC 2251 (pages 20 - 22), I understood that if a client uses the simple authentication mechanism then the password must be in clear text. unfortunately right - this is indeed simple. Am I right or wrong? Are there any means to


2001-06-05 Thread Harald Tveit Alvestrand
At 12:18 04.06.2001 +0530, SRIRAM wrote: Hi all, Can anybody help for that, can any drafts with different numbers can have same EXPIRY DATE from . But it does, draft-ietf-mpls-ldp-09.txt and draft-ietf-mpls-ldp-11.txt. Is there any rules pertaining to the expiry dates of drafts. Kindly reply.