On 11/27/2017 03:41 PM, John Levine wrote:
> In article <396e100a-55ba-4155-a29e-92d452a45...@gmail.com> you write:
>> Interesting article, cross-posted from ISOC Public Policy list
> Carpenter is an interesting case, but it has nothing to do with the
> Internet.

The case itself is unrelated to the Internet, but precedent it sets
regarding the continued viability of or limits on the "third party
doctrine" -- the doctrine that because the individual gave data to a
third party, law enforcement can request it from that third party rather
without a warrant -- could carry over to Internet tracking.


> It's quite fact specific to mobile phones, which by their nature
> transmit a running history of their location to the towers which
> mobile phone companies log.  This was true even in AMPS days, at least
> the tower data part if not the logging.
> The question presented is whether the cops need a warrant from a judge
> to get access to those logs or just a subpoena from law enforcement or
> from a lawyer.  The argument on one side is that it's a great deal of
> rather personal information, e.g., it told them whether Carpenter went
> to church each Sunday and when he spent the night at someone's house
> other than his own.  The argument on the other is that it's the same
> info they'd get if they had a cop tail the guy.  (You don't have to
> tell me that those arguments are not equally persuasive, but that's
> what they are.)
> Lots of details here:
> http://www.scotusblog.com/case-files/cases/carpenter-v-united-states-2
> Here's the usually reasonable Orin Kerr making the just like a tail argument:
> http://www.scotusblog.com/2017/08/symposium-carpenter-eyewitness-rule/
> R's,
> John
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