[A quick trial of the random RFC tool.]

An interesting historical snapshot of the early days of hypertext
systems before WWW/HTML/HTTP had come to dominate everything and how
they might be relevant to academic users.  It even predates Internet

Mainly interesting for its lack of interest in security (mentioned in
passing 3 times in 70 pages: twice to say that client side scripting
won't be done in two separate systems including WWW because of security
issues - well, it was half right - we now have scripting *and* security
issues - and one comment that security would be needed for publication
of commercial information) and being totally oblivious of any privacy

Significant for Internet archaeologists and evolutionary biologists but
not something that needs to be updated.  

Just thank your lucky stars (or not) that WWW used SGML/HTML rather than
ISO MHEG part 1 coded in ASN.1.

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