Hi Chris,

On Fri, Aug 12, 2016 at 4:36 PM, Christopher Thomas Chantler <
chant...@unimelb.edu.au> wrote:

> Topic 1: We have a routine /edit within ifeffit (our modified version)
> which propagates and fits uncertainty.
> Working on a couple of minor details before passing it on to Matt and
> Bruce for general use.

Thanks.  At this point, Larch *should* be able to do this too.  That is to
say, the feffit() function in Larch can propagate uncertainties in chi(k)
through the EXAFS analysis steps.   It definitely needs more testing and
I'm not at all certain this is done the same way you're doing it.

Currently, Larch does not currently propagate uncertainties in measured
intensities to uncertainties in mu(E) in any automated way, and also
doesn't propagate uncertainties in mu(E) to uncertainties in chi(k).   The
basic tools to do these are available, and I think it would not be hard to
add these features.

A simple test case of full error propagation would be really helpful.

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