[Ifeffit] "Hard tests failed in fovrg"

2009-01-30 Thread tony vitova
Hi all,
I am trying to fit Eu L3 edge EXAFS data of Eu complex whose structure is known 
(hopefully correct). The default feff6l in Artemis reports an error  “Hard 
tests failed in fovrg. Muffin-tin radius may be too large; coordination number 
too small“. When I run feff8.2, this error exchanges with the following message 
“The phase shift correction is accurate to k=19”. I guess that this is not a 
problem, because my data is until k equal 12 A^-1. However, the fit of the 
first shell (9O/9N) gives Eo equal to 13, which is unrealistic. This fit with 
paths calculated with feff6l gives reasonable Eo value. But the phase shifts 
seem to be calculated incorrectly. I will be very thankful for any hint! 
Thanks in advance

Ifeffit mailing list

Re: [Ifeffit] "Hard tests failed in fovrg"

2009-01-30 Thread Bruce Ravel
On Friday 30 January 2009 08:49:36 am tony vitova wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am trying to fit Eu L3 edge EXAFS data of Eu complex whose structure is
> known (hopefully correct). The default feff6l in Artemis reports an error
>  “Hard tests failed in fovrg. Muffin-tin radius may be too large;
> coordination number too small“. When I run feff8.2, this error exchanges
> with the following message “The phase shift correction is accurate to
> k=19”. I guess that this is not a problem, because my data is until k equal
> 12 A^-1. However, the fit of the first shell (9O/9N) gives Eo equal to 13,
> which is unrealistic. This fit with paths calculated with feff6l gives
> reasonable Eo value. But the phase shifts seem to be calculated
> incorrectly. I will be very thankful for any hint! Thanks in advance


A quit bit of googling turned up this useful mailing list post from
John Rehr from a couple of years ago about the "Hard test fail" thing
in feff6:


That doesn't answer your question about feff8 however.  John or one of
his students would be better able to address that, however one might
be concerned that Feff has made a bad choice about which electrons to
consider as core electrons and which to consider as valence
electrons.  A bad choice there could confuse teh self-consistency

I think the bottom line is whether the rest of the results besides E0
make physical sense



 Bruce Ravel   bra...@bnl.gov

 National Institute of Standards and Technology
 Synchrotron Methods Group at NSLS --- Beamlines U7A, X24A, X23A2
 Building 535A
 Upton NY, 11973

 My homepage:http://xafs.org/BruceRavel
 EXAFS software: http://cars9.uchicago.edu/~ravel/software/exafs/

Ifeffit mailing list

[Ifeffit] Self absorption Correction

2009-01-30 Thread Jens Kruse
Hi there,

I have measured a pure reference compound with high absorber 
concentration in fluorescence mode (P K-edge XANES).  I tried to use the 
Self absorption correction  included in Athena but I don't really 
understand the results.
Fist: Do I have to use the edge step normalized spectrum or the spectrum 
without normalization ? I tried both and the results  of course a quite 
different. I would rather use the not normalized spectrum.   
Second: the value "Angel in"  is this the angle between the incident 
beam and the sample surface" and "Angle out"  the angle between the 
sample surface and the detector position?
Third: More general- How can I identify a spectrum suffering self 
absorption? Just comparing the relative peak intensities of total 
electron yield signal with the fluorescence yield signal ?

thanks a lot for your comments,

Jens Kruse
Institute for Land Use
Faculty for Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
Rostock University
Justus-von-Liebig-Weg 6
18059 Rostock GERMANY
Phone: +49(0)381-498 3190 

Ifeffit mailing list

Re: [Ifeffit] "Hard tests failed in fovrg"

2009-01-30 Thread John J. Rehr

Hi Everyone,

 If you ever encounter problems like this, please attach a feff.inp
so we and others can duplicate and troubleshoot the problem. Thanks.


known (hopefully correct). The default feff6l in Artemis reports an error
?Hard tests failed in fovrg. Muffin-tin radius may be too large;
coordination number too small???. When I run feff8.2, this error exchanges
with the following message ???The phase shift correction is accurate to
k=19???. I guess that this is not a problem, because my data is until k equal
12 A^-1. However, the fit of the first shell (9O/9N) gives Eo equal to 13,
which is unrealistic. This fit with paths calculated with feff6l gives
reasonable Eo value. But the phase shifts seem to be calculated
incorrectly. I will be very thankful for any hint! Thanks in advance___
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