
After several unsuccessful attempts to port the IMDbPY code to Python 3,
I've decided to start from a fresh code base and add code/features from
IMDbPY as I go along. At this point, I have a somewhat usable basis to
build upon. Only the "movie combined details" and "movie plot" parsers
are implemented so far. The code is at:


My aims are:

- I intend to support only Python 3.4 and up. Probably also pypy3.

- I will only work on the HTTP access system.

- Although the internal structure changes, the API should be mostly
  compatible with IMDbPY 5.

There are a few technical decisions I've made that might make it
infeasible to work with the new parser basis. Therefore I'm not planning
a release in the near future. In fact, I would prefer if Davide would
take over at some point and do the releases. If anyone is interested, I
can also post about the technical details and how to contribute.



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