>Anyway here what I have in the /etc/postfix/bodychecks.regexp:
>/(bobtests frankly is)/ 554 ACL body_checks_regexp Content of message body =
>rejected, content  =3D "$1"

man 5 body_checks

... says there is no "554" action for a match.

smtpd process has SMTP numeric actions

cleanup process has different, non-numeric actions.

>postmap -q "bobtests frankly is" pcre:/etc/postfix/body_checks.regexp
>I get back:
>554 ACL body_checks_regexp Content of message body rejected, content  =3D "=
>bobtests frankly is"

... so the query succeeds, but the  data field response, the "action", is 
not correct, is not intelligible to cleanup processing which is expecting 
only "man 5 body_checks" actions.

if you egrep maillog for "cleanup.*warning", you will see the cleanup 
process complaining about syntax errors.  and with such syntax errors, 
cleanup will not reject (because can't understand your bad syntax) so your 
test msg sails right through.


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