For those of you running postgrey, here's a couple commands.

egrep -i ': delayed' /var/log/maillog | awk '{c++; a=substr($7,1); 
t+=a ; print a,t/c}'

.... will give the avg postgrey delay for all triplets retried.


This command will show you the number of msgs per tranche of 100 secs of delay:

egrep -i ': delayed' /var/log/maillog | awk '{ print $7/100 }' | cut 
-d "." -f 1 | sort -fn | uniq -ic | sort -grnf | sort -gk2 | less


"350 15"  means 350 msgs were delayed between 1500 and 1599 seconds.


btw,  my IMGate advanced installations and upgrades now include 
postgrey and policyd-weight.

I have specified some modifications to policyd-weight which allow me 
to plug-in IMGate-proprietary filters.  I hope to begin testing these 
new filters in the next few weeks.   Policyd-weight is more 
lightweight than full DATA body content-scanners because it decides 
to accept/reject a msg before DATA, exactly like IMGate does.


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