2012/8/15 Andreas Liljeqvist <bon...@gmail.com>:
> I am not really familiar with elisp though, what are the equivalence of
> multimethods as found in clojure for example?

According to #emacs, there is eieio, if I you associate multimethods
with dynamic dispatch.

> "cW" stopping in the case of structure(parenthesis etc) when in lispy-modes.

I'm not sure, this might give some WTF situations. parenthesis
movement is covered by `%`. But making `%` mode-aware to move between
e.g. `do` and `end` in ruby-mode would be awesome.

> "gd" Using whatever we have available for definition.

semantic-mode might help here.

> "i" Going to the first available actual input-area. (mostly for repls)

Good idea.

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