The information on Jackfruit was compiled from the following links

On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 1:12 PM, Madhuri Raut <> wrote:

>  Nov and Dec 2011
> Sharing images of Artocarpus heterophyllus at a private society at Pune
> Family Moraceae
> Common name Jackfruit
> Separate male and female inflorescences are borne on the same tree.
> 3 types of footstalks or inflorescence bearing special leafy twigs are
> produced on a tree in each flowering season
>  TYPE 1: produces only male spikes and this is the first to appear in the
> flowering season. They occur mainly on the terminal shoots and branches of
> the tree’s crown and also in the main stem.  About 10-15 spikes are borne
> on each footstalk.
>  TYPE 2 bears only female spikes 1-3 on each footstalk. They are formed on
> the main trunk and in some cases as low as 50 cm above ground level. This
> footstalk is fewer in no as compared to type 1. Virtually all develop into
> fruit if pollinated
>  TYPE 3 produces both male and female spikes and spikes are borne on the
> main trunk  or on main branches nearer to the main trunk. Female spikes are
> few in no 1-3 and are borne in the proximal leaf axils of the footstalk.
> Male spikes are also few in this type. Only few 1-2 develop into fruit
>  Whereas male and female inflorescences are similar during early
> development, the female spike is later distinguished by a thicker peduncle
> and a large annular disc at the base of the spike. Also female
> inflorescence buds are shorter and stouter whereas male inflorecence buds
> are longer and slender.
> When  young,  both  male  and  female spikes  are  enclosed  by  a pair
> of spathe-like stipules which eventually  fall  off and leave  a prominent
> annular scar  on  the node.
>  The male spike has many densely crowded flowers, which may be sterile or
> fertile. The sterile male flower has a solid perianth: the fertile male
> flower is tubular and bilobed The individual flower has a single, 12-
> mm-long stamen and four yellow anthers . Flowers are scented. The male
> spikes gradually turn black after dehiscence due to growth of mould and
> drop after about a week
>  Female spikes have numerous female flowers. Each flower has a stout
> fleshy receptacle with a white clauvate stigma. Flowers are odorous
> I think the tree was affected by some white fungus.
> I noticed a strange thing ,another plant was growing on this tree .pic
> attached. The same plant was planted in pots next to this tree.
> --
> Regards
> Dr.Bhagyashri Ranade

Dr.Bhagyashri Ranade

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