I think we should stop this here.
Any way things are clear now.

I think that we still can forward a written text or written material. But
if it is a link, unless it trustworthy, DON'T EVER OPEN or CLICK IT.
Stuffs for clarifications are always welcome for me. If people have
different opinion, then moderators should decide whether to encourage the
same or not.

We have lots of other stuffs to do to go ahead, so please........

Please no attacks and counter attacks.
I request you to kindly understand this is not the place to attack or
counter attack.
People do have difference in opinion. Understand that.
Our words are very precious stones, once thrown it is not possible to take
it back.
I request all members not to continue any kind of reply in this thread.

Thanks and Regards,

On 14 June 2012 21:12, Rajesh Sachdev <leopard...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear Kolkatta,
> I am member of several groups related to not only flowers, but birds,
> butterflies, reptiles, moths, amphibians, wildlife
> activism, environmental laws, forest conservation and so on and so forth
> (around 98 yahoo and 34 google groups, excluding 73 on Facebook) and I know
> that what harms the computer of an individual or not.
> When I forwarded my message on one and only single group of itp (efI) , I
> mentioned *some light please*, I assume an individual honourable member ,
> for the sake of rapidly replying, ignored my wording.
> If it was suppose to be spam it would have gone to thousands of my
> contacts (my this email ID has contacts from Delhi to IUCN) and not only
> efI.
> I read somewhere "We listen not for sake of understanding but for replying"
> I request moderators, to register their feedback on such counter attacks.
> Best regards
> Rajesh sachdev
> wildlife activist &photographer
> mumbai, India
> On 14 June 2012 20:22, ushadi Micromini <microminipho...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Mani ji
>> nothing is wrong in asking straight question...so next time something
>> like this comes to your inbox, turn around and donot forward it, but take
>> responsibility and start a new thread and ask .....
>> just write and say I got  an email saying ... xyz is toxic... what's the
>> truth...
>> ....
>> because these forwarded messages may be just a guise to bring in
>> viruses...
>> if your intention is to harm all your friends' computers and you dont
>> care about their computers and time etc... keep forwarding the forwarded
>> message
>>  look at the thread that I think you had forwarded, among the three in my
>> message above, and read my response in it...
>> i had said something similar then...
>> lets use a little common sense...
>> why would a hoaxter start a message like that with a picture?
>> just for amusement
>> melodrama
>> or something more sinister like a trojan or another virus?
>> pictures are a very guise for hiding stuff under the pictures language...
>> --
>> if everything was innocent .... there would not be millions and millions
>> of dollars spent on computer security....  and entire national security
>> offices would not be set up....
>> If membership here does not take this seriously I give up...
>> ----------Usha di
>> On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 5:51 PM, mani nair <mani.na...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> What is the harm in confirming whether it is true or false?  It is far
>>> better to clear our doubts by asking than keeping quiet.  And to google our
>>> doubts we will be in more trouble.
>>> Regards,
>>> Mani
>>> On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 11:01 AM, ushadi Micromini <
>>> microminipho...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> DEAR ALL:
>>>> I searched  at Indiatreepix site for "HOAX... "
>>>> 10 cases came up,   a few were like the mars story, cherry in ice
>>>> photo, hundreds of banans photos and like... funny pics I dont mind...
>>>> but really emotional , often heart wrenching type of sob stories or
>>>> pleas get attention and
>>>> when it reaches me and I look into it and find its a hoax and educated
>>>> folks send it to me or to the group ... it gets me...
>>>> I have learned my lesson... 3 is enough...  I will not open any
>>>> forwarded/forwarded messages... if they are important... please copy paste
>>>> in your own message and send it as new... or as look what came to me...
>>>> the three that came to mind and are most damning are:
>>>> 1... this thread....
>>>> Diffenbachia so toxic it kills hoax :
>>>> https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en#!searchin/indiantreepix/hoax/indiantreepix/Dn2yeJv223A/1mISk10NjmwJ
>>>> Lemon and cancer hoax
>>>> https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en#!searchin/indiantreepix/hoax/indiantreepix/EKTKcH8Xdbs/gHeGZt0j-bwJ
>>>> Cancer chemotherapy and purported failure, claimed to be a well known
>>>> univ  hoax
>>>> https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en#!searchin/indiantreepix/hoax/indiantreepix/WrgsZiFS5iU/i9sn-EBoFHgJ
>>>> ...Usha 
>>>> di<https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en#%21searchin/indiantreepix/hoax/indiantreepix/WrgsZiFS5iU/i9sn-EBoFHgJ>
>>>> <https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en#%21searchin/indiantreepix/hoax/indiantreepix/WrgsZiFS5iU/i9sn-EBoFHgJ>
>>>> <https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en#%21searchin/indiantreepix/hoax/indiantreepix/WrgsZiFS5iU/i9sn-EBoFHgJ>
>>>> =================
>>>> <https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en#%21searchin/indiantreepix/hoax/indiantreepix/WrgsZiFS5iU/i9sn-EBoFHgJ>
>>>> On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 6:00 AM, ushadi Micromini <
>>>> microminipho...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> you are right Giby about getting a degree but  no education... in
>>>>> gujarati there is a proverb... loosely translated it says ...studied (got
>>>>> degrees) but did not learn...[?],
>>>>> all languages must have similar sayings...
>>>>> yes there is lot of junk on the net... but one must learn to separate
>>>>> the grains from the chaff... at least that is taught in school in 4th
>>>>> grade...
>>>>> but basically it goes down to the human heart mind and soul where one
>>>>> needs to trust their own intuition and take everything that comes thru the
>>>>> email with a grain of salt...or two... or even a large fistful as in these
>>>>> ( forwarded times many ) cases...
>>>>> that's called growing up....
>>>>> that's taught at family level... ask your parents... they are more
>>>>> learned and wiser than often is the case//  the cases of even many , if 
>>>>> not
>>>>> all, college professors...
>>>>> usha di
>>>>> ==
>>>>> On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 11:49 PM, Giby Kuriakose <
>>>>> giby.kuriak...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Education is generally scaled on the basis of marks that you have
>>>>>> scored in examinations (where you have chances to forget things after the
>>>>>> vacation!). Sometimes it is scaled on the basis of multiple choice
>>>>>> questions. Chance favors here to some level depending upon individuals. 
>>>>>> The
>>>>>> educated people came out with the degree and  (mostly) without having 
>>>>>> basic
>>>>>> knowledge. At some point you become restricted to some discipline that
>>>>>> makes you blind at everything else. Whoever who has an open heart and 
>>>>>> mind
>>>>>> would come and attack everything and get to know what is in it.
>>>>>> So this is how things are happening, I guess. If I know something and
>>>>>> if someone comes and ask, I would think that this person never got the
>>>>>> chance I had got to understand this particular point/thing. I must have 
>>>>>> got
>>>>>> it from some other source, by the way.
>>>>>> I don't think that getting irritated is a remedy to make others know
>>>>>> what we know/understood from nature or by reading or by interaction. If
>>>>>> they have a good, ear, mind, heart (sometimes a combination of all these)
>>>>>> would make them good student.
>>>>>> If someone do not know which is right and which is wrong there is no
>>>>>> point in searching in internet because there are more wrong than right!
>>>>>> Thanks and Regards,
>>>>>> Giby
>>>>>> On 13 June 2012 23:09, ushadi Micromini <microminipho...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>>>> yes Giby... i subscribe to the idea that there is always a different
>>>>>>> viewpoint...
>>>>>>>  and you have a point that PEOPLE got EDUCATED NOW....
>>>>>>> and Thank you rajesh to ask!!!
>>>>>>> bu it still gets me irritated that such gullibility exists in the
>>>>>>> educated masses..
>>>>>>> .look at all the people in the forwarded messages list... .
>>>>>>> in these days of internet where correct info is only a second two
>>>>>>> away...
>>>>>>> if I can find it, anybody can
>>>>>>> But as you say .... good for them... sela vie ...
>>>>>>> Usha di
>>>>>>> On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 10:48 PM, Giby Kuriakose <
>>>>>>> giby.kuriak...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> It can be the other way also.
>>>>>>>> People who dont know about such things would get
>>>>>>>> correct guidance and thereby the right knowledge. I don't feel anything
>>>>>>>> wrong in gaining knowledge by circulating such things. But it should 
>>>>>>>> be in
>>>>>>>> the right forum and fortunately we have many experts to get things
>>>>>>>> corrected and take it to the right way.
>>>>>>>> Further, It is better than not. Because so many people are blindly
>>>>>>>> going after such fake (exciting) things that are geting forwarded in 
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> internet. I appreciate the courage of Rachesh to bring it up for an 
>>>>>>>> open
>>>>>>>> discussion. I am sure he, and several other members, now got a clear
>>>>>>>> picture on the same and such things.
>>>>>>>> Thanks and Regards
>>>>>>>> Giby
>>>>>>>> On 13 June 2012 22:40, H S <hemsan...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Thanks mam for ur msg..
>>>>>>>>> People should know basic things before forwarding information...
>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 12:27 PM, surajit koley <
>>>>>>>>> surajitnotavaila...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Usha Di,
>>>>>>>>>> Some people are allergic to certain common vegetables, even as
>>>>>>>>>> common as brinjal or some edible araceae members, but that doesn't 
>>>>>>>>>> mean
>>>>>>>>>> that we should tag those plants as "deadly poisonous". Yes, raphides 
>>>>>>>>>> may
>>>>>>>>>> choke certain person, but i think they are exceptions to the common 
>>>>>>>>>> rule.
>>>>>>>>>> Yet, my knowledge is so limited.
>>>>>>>>>> We have a saying in Bengali, you know, JEMON BUNO OL TEMNI BAGHA
>>>>>>>>>> TENTUL, so if you face raphides get healed by tartaric acid!!!
>>>>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>>>>> surajit
>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 6:40 PM, ushadi Micromini <
>>>>>>>>>> microminipho...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> DEAR RAJESH:
>>>>>>>>>>> BEFORE YOU entertain such emails that are forwarded and
>>>>>>>>>>> forwarded ...
>>>>>>>>>>> please ask questions whether you want to open it or entertain
>>>>>>>>>>> the message in it..
>>>>>>>>>>> basic rule if its worth reading, somebody will sure send you a
>>>>>>>>>>> write up in their own words...
>>>>>>>>>>>  or call you if they really wanted your well being... not
>>>>>>>>>>> circulate ssuilly emails... melodramatic
>>>>>>>>>>> hogwash....
>>>>>>>>>>> This has happened here too often ... here....
>>>>>>>>>>> THIS IS A HOAX.....
>>>>>>>>>>> YET some stupid overly sentimental jerk believes it and
>>>>>>>>>>>  these things make the rounds....
>>>>>>>>>>> ABOUT HER CHILDREN???/
>>>>>>>>>>>   GO OUT NOT ONLY TO OFFICE (which is a necessity) but to see
>>>>>>>>>>> movies,
>>>>>>>>>>>  to kitty parties to nites out with friends...!!!!!!!!  STAY
>>>>>>>>>>> AND DO SOME RESEARCH.....  if these ladies have a computer to
>>>>>>>>>>> receive
>>>>>>>>>>> and send out these silly emails  she must have enough
>>>>>>>>>>> time and sense to do this research, it took me one second to
>>>>>>>>>>> type
>>>>>>>>>>> DIFFENBACHIA was introduced as houseplants when? by whom?
>>>>>>>>>>> thinking that I could find the long history...
>>>>>>>>>>> as a houseplant and allay the fears....  of the sender
>>>>>>>>>>> but second in the page of results was this URL:
>>>>>>>>>>>    1.
>>>>>>>>>>>    2. Killer *House Plant* 
>>>>>>>>>>> Warning<http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CE8QFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.hoax-slayer.com%2Fkiller-house-plant-warning.shtml&ei=z4rYT-_YGaGsiAfsiZ2VAw&usg=AFQjCNGrxaWfBAA1aOBBOVq8BXfB8fttpg>
>>>>>>>>>>>    www.hoax-slayer.com/killer-*house-plant*-warning.shtml
>>>>>>>>>>>    11 May 2010 – Message claims that an *indoor plant* that is
>>>>>>>>>>>    commonly kept in homes and offices is *...*
>>>>>>>>>>>  and in the body of that writing is this paragraph..... *I
>>>>>>>>>>> quote..*..
>>>>>>>>>>>   " The plant depicted in the photograph is in fact a
>>>>>>>>>>> dieffenbachia<http://houseplants.about.com/od/foliageplants/p/Dieffenbachia.htm>
>>>>>>>>>>> , a species commonly used as a potted house plant because of its
>>>>>>>>>>> attractive appearance and its suitability for indoor, low light
>>>>>>>>>>> intensity
>>>>>>>>>>> growing environments. Dieffenbachia is indeed poisonous to
>>>>>>>>>>> humans
>>>>>>>>>>> and animals if parts of the plant are ingested. Dieffenbachia is
>>>>>>>>>>> also
>>>>>>>>>>> known as "Dumb Cane" because of the toxic effect it can have on
>>>>>>>>>>> the mouth and tongue if chewed.
>>>>>>>>>>> However, this warning quite significantly exaggerates the risk
>>>>>>>>>>> of death
>>>>>>>>>>> associated with dieffenbachia poisoning. The results of
>>>>>>>>>>> dieffenbachia
>>>>>>>>>>> poisoning are normally not life threatening and victims usually
>>>>>>>>>>> make a
>>>>>>>>>>> full recovery. Given that eating the plant may potentially cause
>>>>>>>>>>> swelling
>>>>>>>>>>> severe enough to block the victim's airways, death *is* a
>>>>>>>>>>> possible result.
>>>>>>>>>>> However, research indicates that actual fatalities in humans are
>>>>>>>>>>> extremely
>>>>>>>>>>> rare. Certainly, there are no credible medical reports that back
>>>>>>>>>>> up the
>>>>>>>>>>> suggestion in the warning message that death is a common and
>>>>>>>>>>> very
>>>>>>>>>>> rapid result of dieffenbachia poisoning. An article discussing
>>>>>>>>>>> caladium,
>>>>>>>>>>> dieffenbachia, and philodendron plant poisoning published on the
>>>>>>>>>>> Emedicine
>>>>>>>>>>> website 
>>>>>>>>>>> notes<http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1009003-overview>:
>>>>>>>>>>> * Patients with history of oral exposure (chewing and/or
>>>>>>>>>>> swallowing)
>>>>>>>>>>> have been reported to have severe swelling, drooling, dysphagia,
>>>>>>>>>>>  and respiratory compromise, but this is not common. In a large
>>>>>>>>>>> retrospective study of 188 patients with plant oxalate exposure,
>>>>>>>>>>> all cases were determined to be minor and all resolved with minor
>>>>>>>>>>>  or no treatment. Patients can also experience dermal and ocular
>>>>>>>>>>> exposure, resulting in contact dermatitis or
>>>>>>>>>>> keratoconjunctivitis.
>>>>>>>>>>> Symptoms that result from these routes of exposure also appear
>>>>>>>>>>> to resolve with supportive care. The serious complication of
>>>>>>>>>>> aortoesophageal fistula following ingestion of a dieffenbachia
>>>>>>>>>>> leaf
>>>>>>>>>>>  in a girl aged 12.5 years has been described in a single 2005
>>>>>>>>>>> case report.
>>>>>>>>>>> The girl recovered following surgical intervention. *
>>>>>>>>>>> And, the claim that rubbing your eyes after touching the plant
>>>>>>>>>>> can cause
>>>>>>>>>>> permanent blindness also seems to be an exaggeration. The
>>>>>>>>>>> Emedicine
>>>>>>>>>>> article 
>>>>>>>>>>> notes<http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1009003-overview>that
>>>>>>>>>>> *"Ocular exposure may result in eye pain, redness, and
>>>>>>>>>>> lid swelling"*, but makes no mention of permanent blindness.
>>>>>>>>>>> Other medical
>>>>>>>>>>> articles describe dieffenbachia induced corneal 
>>>>>>>>>>> injury<http://ukpmc.ac.uk/picrender.cgi?artid=1024685&blobtype=pdf>but
>>>>>>>>>>>  again make no
>>>>>>>>>>> mention of permanent blindness....."
>>>>>>>>>>>    end quote
>>>>>>>>>>>  -
>>>>>>>>>>> Usha di
>>>>>>>>>>> ===========
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>  - H.S.
>>>>>>>>> A scientific man ought to have no wishes, no affections, - a mere
>>>>>>>>> heart of stone
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (ATREE),
>>>>>>>> Royal Enclave,
>>>>>>>> Jakkur Post, Srirampura
>>>>>>>> Bangalore- 560064
>>>>>>>> India
>>>>>>>> Phone - +91 9448714856 +919947109987 (Mobile)
>>>>>>>> visit my pictures @ http://www.flickr.com/photos/giby
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Usha di
>>>>>>> ===========
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (ATREE),
>>>>>> Royal Enclave,
>>>>>> Jakkur Post, Srirampura
>>>>>> Bangalore- 560064
>>>>>> India
>>>>>> Phone - +91 9448714856 +919947109987 (Mobile)
>>>>>> visit my pictures @ http://www.flickr.com/photos/giby
>>>>> --
>>>>> Usha di
>>>>> ===========
>>>> --
>>>> Usha di
>>>> ===========
>> --
>> Usha di
>> ===========

Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (ATREE),
Royal Enclave,
Jakkur Post, Srirampura
Bangalore- 560064
Phone - +91 9448714856 +919947109987 (Mobile)
visit my pictures @ http://www.flickr.com/photos/giby


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