new to me

On Sun, Aug 18, 2019 at 6:08 AM Gurcharan Singh <> wrote:

> Here is the complete list of *Gagea* species in India. All are discussed
> in S. I. Ali and I.G. Levichev, eFlora of Pakistan
> at
> 1. *Gagea bashoensis* Ali ,
> 2006.................................................................................................Kashmir,
> N W India
> 2.  *Gagea davlianidzeae* Levichev,
> 1987....................................................................................N.
> India
> 3.  *Gagea drummondii* Levichev et Ali , 2006 (syn: *G. bulbifera*
> )...............................................Simla
> 4.  *Gagea elegans* Wall. ex D. Don (G. lutea Hook.f. non (L)
> Kerr-Gawl.........................W. Himal, Kumaon
> 5.  *Gagea flavonutans (*Hara) Zarrei & Wilkins (*Llyodia flavonutans*
> Hara.................................Nepal, Sikkim, Bhutan, Assam
> 6.  *Gagea gageoides* (Zucc.) Vved., 1932 (*G. persica* Boiss.; G.
> *kunawurensis*  auct.)......Kashmir
> 7.  *Gagea jaeschkei* Pascher,
> 1904.............................................................................................NW
> India
> 8.  *Gagea jispensis* Ali et Levichev,,
> 2007...................................................................................Kashmir,
> India
> 9.  *Gagea kunawurensis* (Royle) Greuter, 1970 (*Lloydia* *kunawurensis* 
> Royle)....................NW
> India, Kashmir.
> 10.  *Gagea leosii* Ali ,
> 2007...........................................................................................................NW
> India, Jammu, Ladakh
> 11.  *Gagea liotardii* (Sternb.) Schult. et Schult. f.(Syn: *G.
> anisanthos* C. Koch),..........................India
> 12.  *Gagea lowariensis* Pascher, 1906 (syn:*G. lutea *auct.; Dasgupta &
> Deb).............................N. India
> 13.  *Gagea mergalahensis *Ali,
> 2007............................................................................................N
> W India
> 14.  *Gagea ova* Stapf,
> 1885...........................................................................................................Kashmir
> 15. *Gagea pakistanica* Levichev et Ali, 2006.(*G. reticulata* auct;
> Dasgupta &Deb)......................Dehradun
> 16.  *Gagea punjabica* Levichev et Ali,
> 2006..................................................................................Kangra
> Punjab, Dehradun
> 17. *Gagea serotina* (L.) Ker.-Gawl.(Syn: *Lloydia* *serotina* (L.)
> Rchb.)................................Kashmir, Arunachal, Bhutan
> 18. *Gagea tenera* Pascher, 1904 (*G.* *kashmirensis* 
> Turrill).....................................................N.
> India, Kashmir
> 19.  *Gagea vvedenskyi* Grossh,
> 1935............................................................................................NW
> India
> 20.  *Gagea wallichii* Levichev et Ali ,
> 2006.....................................................................................Punjab,
> Dehradun
> On Sat, Aug 17, 2019 at 4:28 PM Gurcharan Singh <>
> wrote:
>> Realising that fact that genus Gagea which has large number of species in
>> India (three new were described by G. Levichev
>> <> in 2006: G. alii,
>> G. utriculosa, G. bowes-lyoni and G. spumosa all from Western Himalayas;
>> more 7 by Levichev and Ali: G. drummondii from Simla, G. pujabica from near
>> Kangra, Punjab, India also DehraDun; G. wallichii from Punjab also
>> DehraDun, G. pakistanica also DehraDun, others Pakistan only), All these
>> are not included in the list on our website, as is also not G. dschungarica
>> which was collected by me in early seventies but not able to match up with
>> live pictures in field. I am as such sharing herbarium images of specimens
>> deposited in Herbarium of SGTB Khalsa College, Delhi
>> Dr. Gurcharan Singh
>> Retired  Associate Professor
>> SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007
>> Res: 932 Anand Kunj, Vikas Puri, New Delhi-110018.
>> Mob: 9810359089
> --
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