Dear efi users,sorry for delay in answer, but I am busy with several other 
works at once.Impatiens scabrida/cristata/tricornis group is rather complicated 
and still not fully explored.Please remember that I am living in place where 
only one Impatiens is native and three other naturalized or invasive. What I 
see are pictures of plants and my interpretation could be wrong. However, I 
better understand what I see than what I read...
I will start with terminology to make things more clear.In most Impatiens 
species flower has 2 or 4 lateral sepals, often green, but sometimes colorful, 
one lower sepal and five petals: one upper or dorsal petal and two pairs of 
connate lateral united petals. Lower sepal in most cases has spur. Lateral 
united petals could have auricle, ofter darker in color than other parts of 
petals. Upper petal could be flat ot cucullate; could have crest or horn.
Flora of India (FoI) in further texts) use following terms:wings = lateral 
united petalslip = lower sepalupper lobe = upper lateral petallower lobe = 
lower lateral petal
I don't know what is "lobular structure" in description of I. edgeworthii.I 
will continue when time allows                                                  
    W niedziela, 23 lutego 2020, 07:08:50 CET, Dr. Anil Kumar Thakur 
<> napisał(-a):  
 Sir, I have some clicks of this species. I'll check and report back. 
On Sun, 23 Feb, 2020, 7:47 AM Gurcharan Singh, <> wrote:

Thanks a lot Wojciech AdamowskiI reproduce again the couplet 117 on page 106 of 
BSI Flora of India117a   Basal lobe of wings produced upwards  anteriorly into 
decurved lobule.........I. edgeworthii     b.   Basal lobe of wings not 
produced upwards anteriorly into decurved lobule 48 species
And description of I. edgeworthii on page 144      "Wings with a globular 
dorsal auricle and a lobular structure towards sinus; basal lobes obovate, 6 x 
5 mm; distal lobes oblong with ligulate apex, lobular structure oblong , ca 6 x 
2 mm "Description of I. exilis which keys out along with rest 47 species "Wings 
1-1.5 cm long; basal lobes ovate-triangular, 6-7 x 3-4 mm; distal lobes 
elliptic-obovate, acutely pointed at apex, 7-10 x 5-7 mm; dorsal auricle short, 
You are best qualified to interpret it

Dr. Gurcharan SinghRetired  Associate Professor
SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007
Res: 932 Anand Kunj, Vikas Puri, New Delhi-110018.
Mob: 9810359089

On Sat, Feb 22, 2020 at 10:42 PM Wojciech Adamowski <> 

 Dear Gurcharan ji,what are you calling lobule?I see distinct structure in 
place where upper lateral petal is connected with lower lateral petal.If yes, 
this is some misinterpretation - this structure is auricle - see Fig. 1 in 
Ruchisansakun S., Suksathan P., van der Niet T., Smets E.F., Saw-Lwin, Janssens 
S.B. 2018. Balsaminaceae of Myanmar. Blumea 63, 2018: 199–267.
Best regards           Wojciech

    W sobota, 22 lutego 2020, 07:24:37 CET, Gurcharan Singh 
<> napisał(-a):  
Thanks dear Ashutosh Sharma ji and Wojciech Adamowski ji. I am also bringing 
into loop Nidhan ji, Balkar ji and Anil Thakur ji who have good knowledge about 
the flora of the region.Sorry but I won't stop at that. The main reason why 
wrote three main posts "Sorting our Impatiens edgeworthii/scabrida/tricornis" 
was the most important key character in BSI Flora of India, Vol 4 page 106 
"basal lobe of wings produced upwards anteriorly into decurved lobule" which 
separates I. edgeworthii from at least 50 next species in the key including I. 
scabrida (I. tricornis not established then 1997, only emrged in 2016). These 
lobules are very clearly seen in my images already on Flowers of India, our 
database and fresh post yesterday. These are clearly absent in two species I. 
scabrida and I. tricornis I uploaded yesterday. I must say these lobules are 
very clearly seen in population uploaded by me from Nohradhar, and we can't 
simply dismiss this as variation of tricornis. I don't say it is I. 
edgeworthii, but can safely say that it keys out along with I. edgeworthii (in 
key of BSI Flora of India). Who knows it may turn out to be a new species, 
which our active researches can work on.A fresh trip to Nohradhar in June may 
give us chance to locate and study this population in detail.   

Dr. Gurcharan SinghRetired  Associate Professor
SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007
Res: 932 Anand Kunj, Vikas Puri, New Delhi-110018.
Mob: 9810359089

On Fri, Feb 21, 2020 at 10:21 PM Wojciech Adamowski <> 

I agree with Ashutosh Sharma                                       Wojciech
    W piątek, 21 lutego 2020, 15:54:45 CET, Ashutosh Sharma 
<> napisał(-a):  
 Respected Gurcharan Singh sir,
This is surely from Impatiens scabrida complex and will say Impatiens tricornis 
for now.
See the plant is much hairy with pubescent lateral sepals also upper lobe of 
lateral united petal is much wider and there is no streaked red color in throat 
only rusty spots are present.
As this plant is photographed much earlier flowering in May at higher altitude 
near 2000metres so this is likely some variation because it is flowering much 
before monsoon rains and in cooler temperatures so plant growth also remain 
stunted. I have seen such variations in some other Himalayan Balsams also... 
Best regards Ashutosh Sharma 
On Fri 21 Feb, 2020, 6:29 PM Gurcharan Singh, <> wrote:

This is really interesting flower colour, lower sepal tube and hairiness 
suggesting I. tricornis but two prominent lobules suggest I. edgeworthii, the 
plant barely few cm tall is much more hispid than all my populations, Near 
Nohradhar, Himachal Pradesh, alt 2000 m, May 25, 2015.

Dr. Gurcharan SinghRetired  Associate Professor
SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007
Res: 932 Anand Kunj, Vikas Puri, New Delhi-110018.
Mob: 9810359089


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