On further examination and discussions at thread: *Dicliptera bupleuroides 
Nees (accepted name) ???* 
<https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/indiantreepix/8yOt1uf4EyA> , I 
feel it should be *Dicliptera riparia * 
(syn: *Dicliptera roxburghiana* var. *riparia* (Nees) Benoist) as per 
distribution, specimens and references herein

On Tuesday, 17 March 2009 22:28:27 UTC+5:30, Suresh C. Sharma wrote:
> Attaching some flowering plants from Asan Barrage, Dehradun and nearby 
> Kalesar National Park, Haryana.
> As I am learning to ID these plants, ID help is requested.
> Flora-Asan2.jpg is a Dhatura, but it is not pure white. Is it another 
> species?
> Flowers-in-Kalesar6.jpg :looks like American Mint?
> Flowers-in-Kalesar2.jpg - abundantly flower all around.
> Kind regs,
> Suresh C Sharma

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