Shobha Ji,
Nice picture and story.

On Saturday, May 21, 2022 at 3:01:08 PM UTC+5:30 Shobha Halwe-Chavda wrote:

> Neomarica northiana
> Lock down 1.April 2020.
> Like everywhere, Mumbai too had come to a standstill.There was a 
> fr?deafening silence on the roads. Couldn't move out anywhere. My regular 
> morning walks had stopped. So gradually started making rounds in the 
> building.Since I stay on ground floor,I have "encroached" the part of the 
> building compound in front of my house 😄 and made a small garden.Suddenly 
> my eyes fell on one neglected pot  and I was speechless.(still trying to 
> recollect from where I got that plant).A beautiful flower was hanging like 
> a pendulum.It had grown on one leaf.Three bright white petals with brownish 
> tiger-striped patterns and three purplish blue curled petals.What a beauty 
> it was ! efloraindia as usual immediately did the id - Neomarica 
> northiana.It's common name is 'Walking Iris'.The flower gets its common 
> name Walking Iris from its unusual propagation habit. New plantlets grow at 
> the tips of the flower stems, weighing them down until they bend to touch 
> the ground and take root.
>   To sum it alk,in those depressing days,this unique flower lifted my 
> heart.
>   Shobha Halwe-Chavda

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