Pahari names added ...

*commonly known as*: Malabar nut • *Ahom*: aoung • *Assamese*: বগা বাহক
boga bahok • *Bengali*: বাসক basak • *Bodo*: barsikho jola • *Dogri*: बसूटी
basuti, बरहैंकड़ barahainkad • *Gujarati*: અરડૂસી aradusi • *Hajong*: dhola
chunchuni • *Hindi*: अरुस arus, अड़ूसा arusa, प्रामाद्य pramadya, रूस rus,
सिंहपर्णी sinh-parni, वाजिनी vajini, वसाका vasaka, विसौटा visauta •
*Kachchhi*: ધ્રાબી અરડૂસી dhrabi aradusi • *Kannada*: ಆಡುಮುಟ್ಟದ ಗಿಡ
aadumuttada gida, ಆಡುಸೋಗೆ aadusoge, ಅಡಸಾಲ adasaala, ಅಡ್ಡಸರ addasara •
*Kashmiri*: बहिकथ् bahikath, बाँस bansa, वास wasa • *Khampti*: bohabahog •
*Kokborok*: vashak • *Konkani*: अडूलशा adulasha, अडुलसो adulso, अडुसोगे
adusoge • *Malayalam*: ആടലോടകം adalodakam • *Manipuri*: ꯅꯣꯡꯃꯥꯡꯈꯥ ꯑꯉꯧꯕꯥ
nongmangkha angouba • *Marathi*: अडुळसा adulasa • *Mishing*: বাহেক ফুল
bahek-phul, বাহক vahak • *Mizo*: kâwl-dai • *Nagamese*: mhejung • *Nepali*:
असुरो asuro, कालो भासक kalo bhasaka • *Nyishi*: basok • *Odia*: ବାସଙ୍ଗ
basanga, ବୃଶ brusha, ନାସା nasa, ପ୍ରାମାଦ୍ୟ pramadya, ଶିବ ମଲ୍ଲିକା shiba
mallika, ସିଂହ ପର୍ଣ୍ଣୀ simha parnni • *Pahari*: बांसटी baanstee, बसूटी
basooti • *Punjabi*: ਬਸੂਟੀ basuti • *Rabha*: boga-baska, bokkai-mekha •
*Rajasthani*: अडूसा adusa • *Rangpuri*: botsam luri • *Sanskrit*: अटरुष
atarusa, प्रामाद्य pra-madya, सिंहास्या simhasya, वाजिदन्त vaji-danta,
वाजिन् vajin, वासका vasaka, वसुक vasuka, वृषा vrsa • *Tagin*: basak •
*Tamil*: ஆசலை acalai, ஆடாதோடை atatotai, ஆட்டுசம் attucam, சிம்மமுகி
cimma-muki, சிங்கம் cinkam, சுவாது cuvatu, இரத்தபித்தம் iratta-pittam,
காட்டுமுருங்கை kattu-murunkai, பாவட்டை pavattai, வாசை vacai, வாசாதி vacati,
வைத்தியமாதா vaittiya-mata • *Telugu*: అడ్డసరము addasaramu • *Tibetan*:
བཱ་ཤ་ཀ ba-sha-ka • *Tulu*: ಆಡಲೋಡ್ aadalodu, ಆಡುಸೋಗೆ aadusoge, ಯೇಡ್ ಮುಟ್ಟಂದಿ
ತಪ್ಪು yedu muttandi tappu • *Urdu*: ارس arus, اڙوسا arusa, پراماديه
pramadya, روس rus

Names compiled / updated at


On Fri, May 26, 2023 at 9:30 AM Dinesh Valke <> wrote:

> Thanks very much, Gurcharan ji, for the appreciation.
> Regards.
> Dinesh
> On Thu, May 25, 2023 at 11:11 PM Gurcharan Singh <>
> wrote:
>> Excellent compilation Dinesh ji
>> On Wednesday, May 24, 2023 at 2:06:19 PM UTC+5:30 Dinesh Valke wrote:
>>> Thanks very much, Eapsa ji, for adding the interesting information, in
>>> this post.
>>> Regards.
>>> Dinesh
>>> On Wednesday, 24 May 2023 at 13:48:44 UTC+5:30 Eapsa wrote:
>>>> Thank you for putting this extensive and comprehensive list together,
>>>> Dinesh-ji.
>>>> *Justicia adhatoda *is one such plant that has many regional stories
>>>> across India.
>>>> I would just like to add a point that the name ‘adhatoda’ comes from
>>>> the Tamil word ‘adathoda’, which means ‘that which (even) the goat does not
>>>> eat’ (Berry et al., 2020).
>>>> Furthermore, in our study we found that there are two distinct
>>>> morphotypes of *J. adhatoda*, one appearing to be associated with
>>>> drier, and other to wetter growing environments in India. To distinguish
>>>> them, we proposed the two morphotypes to be named: *Justicia adhatoda*
>>>> var. *vasica* and *Justicia adhatoda* var.* zeylanica*, respectively,
>>>> for the morphotypes, in keeping with the vague north–south divide presented
>>>> in the writings of earlier botanists.
>>>> Journal of Plant Research (2020) 133:783–805
>>>> On Saturday, May 20, 2023 at 1:18:55 PM UTC+5:30 Dinesh Valke wrote:
>>>> *Justicia adhatoda* L.
>>>> [image: Justicia adhatoda L.]
>>>> *jus-TEE-see-ah* -- named for James Justice, Scottish botanist and
>>>> horticulturist ... Dave's Botanary
>>>> <>
>>>> *ad-hat-OH-duh* -- Latinized form of a Sinhalese name of a plant with
>>>> bitter leaves ... Dave's Botanary
>>>> <>
>>>> *commonly known as*: Malabar nut • *Ahom*: aoung • *Assamese*: বগা
>>>> বাহক boga bahok • *Bengali*: বাসক basak • *Bodo*: barsikho jola •
>>>> *Dogri*: बसूटी basuti, बरहैंकड़ barahainkad • *Gujarati*: અરડૂસી
>>>> aradusi, અરડૂસો araduso • *Hajong*: dhola chunchuni • *Hindi*: अरुस
>>>> arus, अड़ूसा arusa, प्रामाद्य pramadya, रूस rus, सिंहपर्णी sinh-parni,
>>>> वाजिनी vajini, वसाका vasaka, विसौटा visauta • *Kachchhi*: ધ્રાબી
>>>> અરડૂસી dhrabi aradusi • *Kannada*: ಆಡುಮುಟ್ಟದ ಗಿಡ aadumuttada gida,
>>>> ಆಡುಸೋಗೆ aadusoge, ಅಡಸಾಲ adasaala, ಅಡ್ಡಸರ addasara • *Kashmiri*: बहिकथ्
>>>> bahikath, बाँस bansa, वास wasa • *Khampti*: bohabahog • *Kokborok*:
>>>> vashak • *Konkani*: अडूलशा adulasha, अडुलसो adulso, अडुसोगे adusoge •
>>>> *Malayalam*: ആടലോടകം adalodakam • *Manipuri*: ꯅꯣꯡꯃꯥꯡꯈꯥ ꯑꯉꯧꯕꯥ
>>>> nongmangkha angouba • *Marathi*: अडुळसा adulasa • *Mishing*: বাহেক ফুল
>>>> bahek-phul, বাহক vahak • *Mizo*: kâwl-dai • *Nagamese*: mhejung •
>>>> *Nepali*: असुरो asuro, कालो भासक kalo bhasaka • *Nyishi*: basok •
>>>> *Odia*: ବାସଙ୍ଗ basanga, ବୃଶ brusha, ନାସା nasa, ପ୍ରାମାଦ୍ୟ pramadya, ଶିବ
>>>> ମଲ୍ଲିକା shiba mallika, ସିଂହ ପର୍ଣ୍ଣୀ simha parnni • *Punjabi*: ਬਸੂਟੀ
>>>> basuti • *Rabha*: boga-baska, bokkai-mekha • *Rajasthani*: अडूसा adusa
>>>> • *Rangpuri*: botsam luri • *Sanskrit*: अटरुष atarusa, प्रामाद्य
>>>> pra-madya, सिंहास्या simhasya, वाजिदन्त vaji-danta, वाजिन् vajin, वासका
>>>> vasaka, वसुक vasuka, वृषा vrsa • *Tagin*: basak • *Tamil*: ஆசலை
>>>> acalai, ஆடாதோடை atatotai, ஆட்டுசம் attucam, சிம்மமுகி cimma-muki, சிங்கம்
>>>> cinkam, சுவாது cuvatu, இரத்தபித்தம் iratta-pittam, காட்டுமுருங்கை
>>>> kattu-murunkai, பாவட்டை pavattai, வாசை vacai, வாசாதி vacati, வைத்தியமாதா
>>>> vaittiya-mata • *Telugu*: అడ్డసరము addasaramu • *Tibetan*: བཱ་ཤ་ཀ
>>>> ba-sha-ka • *Tulu*: ಆಡಲೋಡ್ aadalodu, ಆಡುಸೋಗೆ aadusoge, ಯೇಡ್ ಮುಟ್ಟಂದಿ
>>>> ತಪ್ಪು yedu muttandi tappu • *Urdu*: ارس arus, اڙوسا arusa, پراماديه
>>>> pramadya, روس rus
>>>> *botanical names*: *Justicia adhatoda* L. ... *homotypic synonyms*: 
>>>> *Adhatoda
>>>> adhatoda* (L.) Huth, not validly publ. • *Adhatoda zeylanica* Medik. • 
>>>> *Ecbolium
>>>> adhatoda* (L.) Kuntze • *Gendarussa adhadota* (L.) Steud. ... *heterotypic
>>>> synonyms*: *Adhatoda vasica* Nees ... and more at POWO
>>>> <>
>>>> Bibliography / etymology
>>>> ~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
>>>> *Malabar nut*
>>>>    - Wikipedia <> - The
>>>>    Free Encyclopedia
>>>> ~~~~~ AHOM (has its own script) ~~~~~
>>>> *aoung*
>>>>    - Ethnobotanyofnortheastindia (2020 onwards). Database of names of
>>>>    useful plants of north-east India
>>>> <>
>>>>    - developed by the members of ethnobotanyofnortheastindia Google-site 
>>>> ...
>>>>    Accessed on 19 May 2023
>>>> ~~~~~ ASSAMESE ~~~~~
>>>> *বগা বাহক boga bahok*
>>>>    - XOBDO
>>>> <>
>>>>    - A descriptive multilingual dictionary by the people, for the people 
>>>> and
>>>>    of the people of north-east India
>>>> ~~~~~ BENGALI ~~~~~
>>>> *বাসক basak*
>>>>    - for *Adhatoda vasica* Nees ... Flora of Assam
>>>>    <>
>>>>    Vol III by U N Kanjilal, P C Kanjilal, A Das, R N De
>>>> ~~~~~ BODO (or BORO) ~~~~~
>>>> *barsikho jola*
>>>>    - Deka, Dipali - Ethno medico botanical study of certain tribes of
>>>>    Goalpara district, Assam
>>>> <>
>>>>    - Shodhganga
>>>> ~~~~~ DOGRI ~~~~~
>>>> *बसूटी basuti, बरहैंकड़ barahainkad*
>>>>    - Many thanks to OM Prakash Vidyarthi for help with this name ...
>>>>    facebook
>>>> <>
>>>> ~~~~~ GUJARATI ~~~~~
>>>> *અરડૂસી aradusi*
>>>>    - for *Adhatoda vasica* Nees ... Gujarati Lexicon
>>>> <*/>
>>>>    - the most comprehensive Gujarati language resource
>>>>    - for *Adhatoda vasica* Nees ... વનસ્પતીઓ ના ગુજરાતી તથા બોટનીકલ
>>>>    નામ ની યાદી
>>>>    <>
>>>>    (વૈધ કે.જે.ઝાલા) ... sometimes found spelt as *અરડુસી aradusi*
>>>>    - for *Adhatoda vasica* Nees ... શો. વસાણી, મ. દી. વસાવડા, ગો. છ.
>>>>    ભાવસાર, સ. કોલાપ્પન - ગુજરાતી વિશ્વકોશ
>>>> <>
>>>>    - ગુજરાતી ભાષાનો સર્વપ્રથમ વિશ્વકોશ
>>>> *અરડૂસો araduso*
>>>>    - for *Adhatoda vasica* Nees ... Gujarati Lexicon
>>>> <*/>
>>>>    - the most comprehensive Gujarati language resource
>>>> ~~~~~ HAJONG (has its own script) ~~~~~
>>>> *dhola chunchuni*
>>>>    - Deka, Dipali - Ethno medico botanical study of certain tribes of
>>>>    Goalpara district, Assam
>>>> <>
>>>>    - Shodhganga
>>>> ~~~~~ HINDI ~~~~~
>>>> *अरुस arus, रूस rus*
>>>>    - A dictionary of Urdu, classical Hindi, and English
>>>>    <> by John T. Platts
>>>> *अड़ूसा arusa, प्रामाद्य pramadya, सिंहपर्णी sinh-parni, वाजिनी vajini*
>>>>    - for *Justicia adhenatoda* (*Justicia adhatoda* wrongly spelt) ... A
>>>>    dictionary of Urdu, classical Hindi, and English
>>>>    <> by John T. Platts
>>>> *वसाका vasaka*
>>>>    - विकिपीडिया
>>>> <>
>>>>    - एक मुक्त ज्ञानकोश
>>>> *विसौटा visauta*
>>>>    - WISDOM LIBRARY <> -
>>>>    the greatest source of ancient and modern knowledge
>>>> ~~~~~ KACHCHHI ~~~~~
>>>> *ધ્રાબી અરડૂસી dhrabi aradusi*
>>>>    - for *Adhatoda vasica* Nees ... PLANTS OF CUTCH AND THEIR UTILITY
>>>> ~~~~~ KANNADA ~~~~~
>>>> *ಆಡುಮುಟ್ಟದ ಗಿಡ aadumuttada gida*
>>>>    - Alar
>>>> <>
>>>>    - an authoritative Kannada-English dictionary corpus created by V. 
>>>> Krishna
>>>>    - Subrahmanya, Prasad K - Exploration and elucidation of
>>>>    traditional medicinal plants of erstwhile Tulunadu and surrounding area 
>>>> of
>>>>    Kerala and Karnataka
>>>> <>
>>>>    - Shodhganga ... ಆಡುಮುಟ್ಟದ ಗಿಡ aadumuttada gida = plant not touched
>>>>    or eaten by goat
>>>> *ಆಡುಸೋಗೆ aadusoge*
>>>>    - or *ಅಡುಸೋಗೆ adusoge* ... for *Adhatoda vasica* Nees ... Alar
>>>> <>
>>>>    - an authoritative Kannada-English dictionary corpus created by V. 
>>>> Krishna
>>>>    - Subrahmanya, Prasad K - Exploration and elucidation of
>>>>    traditional medicinal plants of erstwhile Tulunadu and surrounding area 
>>>> of
>>>>    Kerala and Karnataka
>>>> <>
>>>>    - Shodhganga
>>>> *ಅಡಸಾಲ adasaala*
>>>>    - or *ಅಡಸಲ adasala* or *ಆಡಸಾಲ aadasaala* ... Alar
>>>> <>
>>>>    - an authoritative Kannada-English dictionary corpus created by V. 
>>>> Krishna
>>>> *ಅಡ್ಡಸರ addasara*
>>>>    - for *Adhatoda vasica* Nees ... Five Hundred Indian Plants
>>>> <>
>>>>    by Basel Mission, Mangalore
>>>>    - Alar
>>>> <>
>>>>    - an authoritative Kannada-English dictionary corpus created by V. 
>>>> Krishna
>>>> ~~~~~ KASHMIRI ~~~~~
>>>> *बहिकथ् bahikath, बाँस bansa, वास wasa*
>>>>    - for *Adhatoda vasica* Nees ... A dictionary of the Kashmiri
>>>>    language <> by
>>>>    George Abraham Grierson
>>>> ~~~~~ KHAMPTI (has its own script) ~~~~~
>>>> *bohabahog*
>>>>    - Ethnobotanyofnortheastindia (2020 onwards). Database of names of
>>>>    useful plants of north-east India
>>>> <>
>>>>    - developed by the members of ethnobotanyofnortheastindia Google-site 
>>>> ...
>>>>    Accessed on 19 May 2023
>>>> ~~~~~ KOKBOROK (or TIPPERA) ~~~~~
>>>> *vashak*
>>>>    - for *Adhatoda vasica* Nees ... Medicinal plants of the State of
>>>>    Tripura
>>>> <>
>>>> ~~~~~ KONKANI ~~~~~
>>>> *अडूलशा adulasha*
>>>>    - my mother-tongue
>>>> *अडुलसो adulso*
>>>>    - for *Adhatoda vasica* Nees ... Enumeration of plants from
>>>>    Gomantak India
>>>> <>
>>>>    with a note on botanical excursions to the Castlerock area by V D Vartak
>>>> *अडुसोगे adusoge*
>>>>    - known from Konkani-speaking community
>>>> ~~~~~ MALAYALAM ~~~~~
>>>> *ആടലോടകം adalodakam*
>>>>    - Many thanks to Sam Kuzhalanattu for help with this name
>>>>    - വിക്കിപീഡിയ
>>>> <>
>>>>    - സ്വതന്ത്രസർവ്വവിജ്ഞാനകോശം
>>>>    - A Malayalam and English dictionary
>>>>    <> by Hermann Gundert
>>>> ~~~~~ MANIPURI ~~~~~
>>>> *ꯅꯣꯡꯃꯥꯡꯈꯥ ꯑꯉꯧꯕꯥ nongmangkha angouba*
>>>>    - Flowers of India
>>>>    <>
>>>> ~~~~~ MARATHI ~~~~~
>>>> *अडुळसा adulasa*
>>>>    - विकिपीडिया
>>>> <>
>>>>    - मुक्त ज्ञानकोश
>>>>    - for *Justicia adhenatoda* (*Justicia adhatoda* wrongly spelt) ... A
>>>>    dictionary, Marathi and English
>>>>    <> by Molesworth,
>>>>    J. T. (James Thomas)
>>>>    - for *Adhatoda zeylanica* Medik. ... The Gazetteer Department ... 
>>>> महाराष्ट्रातील
>>>>    वनस्पतीशास्त्र आणि वनसंपदा
>>>> <>
>>>> ~~~~~ MISHING (or MISING) ~~~~~
>>>> *বাহেক ফুল bahek-phul, বাহক vahak*
>>>>    - Ethnobotanyofnortheastindia (2020 onwards). Database of names of
>>>>    useful plants of north-east India
>>>> <>
>>>>    - developed by the members of ethnobotanyofnortheastindia Google-site 
>>>> ...
>>>>    Accessed on 19 May 2023
>>>> ~~~~~ MIZO ~~~~~
>>>> *kâwl-dai*
>>>>    - for *Adhatoda vasica* Nees ... Dictionary of the Lushai language
>>>>    <> by James Herbert
>>>>    Lorrain
>>>> ~~~~~ NAGAMESE ~~~~~
>>>> *mhejung*
>>>>    - for *Adhatoda vasica* Nees ... Zhasa, N.N. & Hazarika, P. &
>>>>    TRIPATHI, YOGESH. (2015). Indigenous Knowledge on Utilization of
>>>>    Plant Biodiversity for Treatment and Cure of Diseases of Human Beings in
>>>>    Nagaland, India: A Case Study.
>>>> <>
>>>>    International Journal of Biological Sciences. 4. 89-106.
>>>> ~~~~~ NEPALI ~~~~~
>>>> *अलेहा alehaa, असुरो asuro, भसिङ्गो bhasingo, कालो भासक kaalo bhaasak*
>>>>    - Many thanks to Saroj Kumar Kasaju for help with this name ...
>>>>    efloraofindia
>>>>    <>
>>>> ~~~~~ NYISHI ~~~~~
>>>> *basok*
>>>>    - Ethnobotanyofnortheastindia (2020 onwards). Database of names of
>>>>    useful plants of north-east India
>>>> <>
>>>>    - developed by the members of ethnobotanyofnortheastindia Google-site 
>>>> ...
>>>>    Accessed on 19 May 2023
>>>> ~~~~~ ODIA ~~~~~
>>>> *ବାସଙ୍ଗ basanga, ବୃଶ brusha, ପ୍ରାମାଦ୍ୟ pramadya, ଶିବ ମଲ୍ଲିକା shiba
>>>> mallika (or ଶିବ ମଲ୍ଲୀ shiba malli), ସିଂହ ପର୍ଣ୍ଣୀ simha parnni*
>>>>    - for *Adhatoda vasica* Nees ... Purnnachandra Ordia Bhashakosha
>>>>    <> by Praharaj, G.C.
>>>> *ନାସା nasa*
>>>>    - Purnnachandra Ordia Bhashakosha
>>>>    <> by Praharaj, G.C.
>>>> ~~~~~ PUNJABI ~~~~~
>>>> *ਬਸੂਟੀ basuti*
>>>>    - for *Adhatoda vasica* Nees ... Sharma, Ajay & Bhardwaj, Garima &
>>>>    Cannoo, Damanjit. (2018). Overview of Phytochemistry and
>>>>    Pharmacology of Adhatoda vasica.
>>>> <>
>>>> ~~~~~ RABHA ~~~~~
>>>> *boga-baska, bokkai-mekha*
>>>>    - Deka, Dipali - Ethno medico botanical study of certain tribes of
>>>>    Goalpara district, Assam
>>>> <>
>>>>    - Shodhganga
>>>> ~~~~~ RAJASTHANI ~~~~~
>>>> *अडूसा adusa*
>>>>    - for *Adhatoda vasica* Nees ... Rajasthan Government - Forest
>>>>    Department
>>>> <>
>>>> *botsam luri*
>>>>    - Ethnobotanyofnortheastindia (2020 onwards). Database of names of
>>>>    useful plants of north-east India
>>>> <>
>>>>    - developed by the members of ethnobotanyofnortheastindia Google-site 
>>>> ...
>>>>    Accessed on 19 May 2023
>>>> ~~~~~ SANSKRIT ~~~~~
>>>> *अटरुष atarusa (or अटरूष atarusa)*
>>>>    - ॥ विकिशब्दकोशः॥
>>>> <>
>>>>    स्वतन्त्रः संस्कृतशब्दकोशः
>>>> *प्रामाद्य pramadya, सिंहास्या simhasya, वाजिदन्त vajidanta, वासका
>>>> vasaka*
>>>>    - for *Adhatoda vasica* Nees ... Learn Sanskrit
>>>>    <> - पठत संस्कृतम् - शब्दकोशः
>>>> *वाजिन् vajin*
>>>>    - Learn Sanskrit <> - पठत संस्कृतम् -
>>>>    शब्दकोशः
>>>> *वसुक vasuka*
>>>>    - for *Adhatoda vasica* Nees ... ॥ विकिशब्दकोशः॥
>>>> <>
>>>>    स्वतन्त्रः संस्कृतशब्दकोशः
>>>> *वृषा vrsa*
>>>>    - for *Gendarussa adhadota* (L.) Steud. ... ॥ विकिशब्दकोशः॥
>>>> <>
>>>>    स्वतन्त्रः संस्कृतशब्दकोशः
>>>> ~~~~~ TAGIN ~~~~~
>>>> *basak*
>>>>    - Ethnobotanyofnortheastindia (2020 onwards). Database of names of
>>>>    useful plants of north-east India
>>>> <>
>>>>    - developed by the members of ethnobotanyofnortheastindia Google-site 
>>>> ...
>>>>    Accessed on 19 May 2023
>>>> ~~~~~ TAMIL ~~~~~
>>>> *ஆசலை acalai, ஆட்டுசம் attucam, சிம்மமுகி cimma-muki, சிங்கம் cinkam,
>>>> சுவாது cuvatu, இரத்தபித்தம் iratta-pittam, காட்டுமுருங்கை kattu-murunkai,
>>>> பாவட்டை pavattai, வாசை vacai, வாசாதி vacati, வைத்தியமாதா vaittiya-mata*
>>>>    - for *Malabar nut* ... Tamil lexicon
>>>>    <> [Madras],
>>>>    University of Madras
>>>> *ஆடாதோடை atatotai*
>>>>    - Tamil lexicon <>
>>>>    [Madras], University of Madras
>>>> ~~~~~ TELUGU ~~~~~
>>>> *అడ్డసరము addasaramu, వాసక vasaka*
>>>>    - Flora Andhrika
>>>>    <> -
>>>>    Plant Wealth of Andhra Pradesh, India
>>>> ~~~~~ TIBETAN ~~~~~
>>>> *བཱ་ཤ་ཀ ba-sha-ka*
>>>>    - 84000 <> : Translating the words
>>>>    of the Buddha
>>>> ~~~~~ TULU ~~~~~
>>>> *ಆಡಲೋಡ್ aadalodu*
>>>>    - Tulu-English Dictionary (1886)
>>>> <>
>>>>    by Rev. A. Männer
>>>>    - Subrahmanya, Prasad K - Exploration and elucidation of
>>>>    traditional medicinal plants of erstwhile Tulunadu and surrounding area 
>>>> of
>>>>    Kerala and Karnataka
>>>> <>
>>>>    - Shodhganga
>>>> *ಆಡುಸೋಗೆ aadusoge*
>>>>    - Subrahmanya, Prasad K - Exploration and elucidation of
>>>>    traditional medicinal plants of erstwhile Tulunadu and surrounding area 
>>>> of
>>>>    Kerala and Karnataka
>>>> <>
>>>>    - Shodhganga
>>>> *ಯೇಡ್ ಮುಟ್ಟಂದಿ ತಪ್ಪು yedu muttandi tappu*
>>>>    - for *Adhatoda vasica* Nees ... Five Hundred Indian Plants
>>>> <>
>>>>    by Basel Mission, Mangalore
>>>> ~~~~~ URDU ~~~~~
>>>> *ارس arus, روس rus*
>>>>    - A dictionary of Urdu, classical Hindi, and English
>>>>    <> by John T. Platts
>>>> *اڙوسا arusa, پراماديه pramadya*
>>>>    - for *Justicia adhenatoda* (*Justicia adhatoda* wrongly spelt) ... A
>>>>    dictionary of Urdu, classical Hindi, and English
>>>>    <> by John T. Platts
>>>> ~~~~~ DISTRIBUTION in States and Union Territories of India ~~~~~
>>>> throughout India ...
>>>> Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam,
>>>> Bihar, Chandigarh, Chhattisgarh, Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and
>>>> Diu, Delhi, Goa, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir,
>>>> Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Lakshadweep, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra,
>>>> Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Odisha, Puducherry, Punjab,
>>>> Rajasthan, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Tripura, Uttar Pradesh,
>>>> Uttarakhand, West Bengal
>>>>    - Hassler, Michael (2004 - 2023): World Plants. Synonymic Checklist
>>>>    and Distribution of the World Flora.
>>>> <>
>>>>    Version 15.3; last update May 13th, 2023.
>>>> ~~~~~ x ~~~~~
>>>> Names compiled / updated at
>>>> Regards.
>>>> Dinesh
>>> --
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