dear all,

I want to grow the following plant without mango tree ,  on soil. it is
required for my butterfly garden . i don't have a mango tree at my garden ,
then how to grow the same on the soil ?

help me to prepare required soil for it ? can it be grown on guava tree?

DENDROPHTHOE FALCATA (L. f.) Ett.** *Loranthus falcatus* L.f.,  *Loranthus
longiflours* Desr.Family: Loranthaceae

*Bengali/vernacular name:* Bara Manda, Bandha, Pharulla.
*Tribal name:* Porsal (Chakma), Alikhowng (Khumi)

Thanks & Regards,

Somnath Pal Das

***   To create a “Butterfly Garden” at your premises , pls contact us.*




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Imagine This

One day you come out from your home
and all you see is big puffs of black smoke
and no trees !

All you see the cars and no bird
All you smell is gasoline & no flowers

What kind of life is that ?

Think about it...

  ..... GO GREEN.....
Only after the last tree has fallen | Only after the last river has been
poisoned | Only after the last fish has been cut | Only then will we realize
that money cannot be eaten !!!
**  Save Trees , Plant new Trees , Feed Birds , Butterflies , Animals around

**  Keep our planet GREEN n LIVE......

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