Bhison bhalo laglo, egulo dekhe...

What a lot of fruits on one short group of branches..
imagine how many would a tree bear?

I have seen a few only per foot of a branch in a demonstration garden
for herbal medicine...

I am impressed..
is this wild or is it an amalka farm?

Thanks ..

On Sep 23, 7:53 pm, Col Bimal Sarkar <> wrote:
> Dear Friend,
>                      Attaching the 46th member of the series.Valmiki 
> mentioned this tree as AMALAKA .It is known as Indian gooseberry or Emblic 
> Myrobalan.Scientifically it is Emblica officinalis.It is Amla in Hindi and 
> Amlaki in Bangla.
> Regards
> Col (Retd) Bimal Sarkar
> Mobile: 9434194942
>  Amalaka 1.jpg
> 120KViewDownload
>  Amalaka 2.jpg
> 125KViewDownload

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