Dear Balkar ji: I asked because I recently saw it at my local small nursery
stall , had profuse small white flowers that looked like white version of
flowers of the Barbados cherry, that was recently gifted to me..  so bought
it and brought it home... only to puzzle over it... leaves were small
versions of holly, yet... googling for various holly leafed plants +
adjectives I could think of,   didn't produce any meaningful result over
several days , (ie google failed, esp since it has become politicized and
changed its paradigms for search engines..) , so I gave it a rest.. hoping
some thing would stir in the universe to give me a HINT....

THEN.... your thread came up.... do you know how exciting it is for a
non-botanist hell bent on proper diagnosis to find not only helpful clues
but the NAME of the plant itself....

I will post the pictures of my plant and comparisons I had done  later in
the week...
In the mean time ... thank you for solving one of my ID questions...  once I
had the name...Toptropical came up... but straight googling did not

Moral of the story: armchair botany only goes so far... one needs deeper
knowledge... I will need to cultivate it... quickly...

Usha di
PS ONE MORE QUESTION>>> I came up with pictures on the net of Malphigia
coccigera with enormous numbers of red berries, even when trained as
Bonsai... but my plant does not have berries... all flowers fell off and now
no cherries...
SO is there a male vs female variety of this plant?


On Mon, Aug 1, 2011 at 7:00 AM, Balkar Arya <> wrote:

> Usha Ji
> I saw this plant first time in cactus Park Panchkula. then i could find
> this in a Nursery in Panipat and planted in my college. I do not know
> anything about its history at present searching!!! if found wiil let u know
> all
> On Sun, Jul 31, 2011 at 2:42 PM, Ushadi micromini <
>> wrote:
>> Wonderful..
>> what's the history of this plant in India?
>> Usha di
>> ======
>> On Jul 30, 7:49 am, Balkar Arya <> wrote:
>> > Dear all
>> > Malpighia coccigera a shrub used as Hedge in gardens
>> > Family: Malpighiaceae
>> >
>> > --
>> > Regards
>> >
>> > Dr Balkar Singh
>> > Head, Deptt. of Botany and Biotechnology
>> > Arya P G College, Panipat
>> > Haryana-132103
>> > 09416262964
>> >
>> >  Malpighia coccigera (1)Sm.JPG
>> > 182KViewDownload
>> >
>> >  Malpighia coccigera (2)Sm.JPG
>> > 120KViewDownload
>> >
>> >  Malpighia coccigera (3)Sm.JPG
>> > 112KViewDownload
>> >
>> >  Malpighia coccigera (4)Sm.JPG
>> > 117KViewDownload
> --
> Regards
> Dr Balkar Singh
> Head, Deptt. of Botany and Biotechnology
> Arya P G College, Panipat
> Haryana-132103
> 09416262964

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