I realize that this question is very specific to our 
envrionment...but just in case someone else has the similar setup, i 
decided to post it in here.  i am running unix client on a winNt 
machine...i have cvs 1.10.8 server and WinCVS1.1b15 client on the 
same machine...i am trying to run a template from verifymsg 
administrative file.  But when i am telling cvs to execute my 
template with bash *that's the shell we have*, it doesn't know how to 
automatically switch to unix environment and start the shell...when i 
create a .bat file that sets up unix env. and starts the shell...i 
have no way of specifying the template i want to execute, since once 
it starts the shell, it doesn't execute the rest of my command 
neither in .bat file, nor in verifymsg...and ideas, suggestions, 
thoughts are very welcome

TIA, Julia

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