I'm using cvs 1.10 on Solaris 2.7, built from source.

If I have a projects directory and I check out two modules into it, and
if I have any CVSROOT environment variable set, and if there is no CVS
directory inside the projects directory, what should happen when I do a
cvs update from within projects?

Visually here's what *does* happen:

   % mkdir projects
   % cd projects
   % setenv CVSROOT :pserver:me@somewhere:/cvsroot/wildblueyonder
   % cvs -d:pserver:me@somewhere:/cvsroot/wildblueyonder co -P
   % cvs -d:pserver:me@somewhere:/cvsroot/somerepo co -P someothermodule
   % pwd
   % ls CVS
   CVS: No such file or directory
   % cvs update
   protocol error: directory '/cvsroot/somerepo/someothermodule' not
within root '/cvsroot/wileblueyonder'

Note that without the CVSROOT environment variable set, cvs won't even
try to dig through the subdirectories at all.  And, as indicated above,
*with* the CVSROOT variable set, CVS is happy to dig through the first
level of subdirectories, but uses the environment variable instead of
the CVS/Root file in each module.

I have a colleague who is asking how he can effectively issue a cvs
update from the projects directory and have all of his checked out
projects (from various cvs roots) update themselves.

I was surprised to note that cvs update will dig around in the subdirs
one level under where it was invoked, but not any deeper, even if it's
invoked in a cvs-unaware location.

Any comments?


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