cvs authentication from SAMBA PDC

2005-12-12 Thread ashok cvs
Dear all is there any way to authenticate cvs users against SAMBA PDC + with LDAP , i have an samba 3 with ldap , and my cvs server is another system. can i authenticate cvs users with samba pdc. Regards Niranjan' ___ Info-cvs mailing list

cvs remove

2005-12-11 Thread ashok cvs
Hi all i have setup a cvs server with pserver. and wincvs client. i login with cvsuser and checkout a directory containing 2 files a, b if i use cvs remove a and commit to the repository , the file a gets in to the Attic directory. now my query is how to get back the removed file and if i get

cvs log

2005-11-25 Thread ashok cvs
Hi all I have setup a CVSROOT for a particular project. and setup some users who can checkout but cannot add, update or commit. and only project leader , can only commit to the CVSROOT directory. is it possible to track who are all checking out. , the users who are checking out should login

cvs information

2005-11-24 Thread ashok cvs
Hi all I have setup a cvs server using :pserver on port 2401. i have some doubts like 1. how can i setup multiple CVSROOT. like a particular CVSROOT, should be accessed by only one group of users 2. i am using wincvs, actually i imported from linux using cvs command amd imported a module