
does anybody know if it is possible to prevent Cyrus adding a Received-Line in the mail header
at my Cyrus this looks like

Received: from mail.local ([unix socket])
         by storage.mail (Cyrus v2.3.16-Fedora-RPM-2.3.16-13.el6_6) with LMTPA;
         Tue, 08 Dec 2015 18:35:12 +0100

instead of mail.local there is adds my real server name; from where does this come?
can I also just change it here, without renaming anything?
like "storage.mail", which come from /etc/imapd.conf
"servername: storage.mail"

I'd like either instead of mail.local a user defined value or no Received-line at all;

is this possible, if yes, how?


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