
I am trying to use timsieved to manage my users' sieve scripts, instead of putting the scripts as .sieve in the users' homedirectories. Most users are using some filtering built in in their e-mail client, and the few who don't use sieve. With our current setup almost all sieve users have delegated the administration of their scripts to me, and I was hoping to transfer this administration back to the user by enabling timsieved. Nevertheless, I will be administering some scripts for some time after enabling timsieved, so I must be able to manage other users' scripts through timsieved. Our mailserver is running Cyrus imap 2.2.8 on linux, and the administrative user is 'cyrus'. I was thinking that:
  sieveshell -u <user> -a cyrus localhost
(on the mailserver, using the password of cyrus) would give me access to the scripts of <user>, but it gives access to cyrus' scripts, even when <user> is a user that can receive mail, and log in to timesieved using his/her own password. What is the correct way to get administrative access to the scripts of <user>? If there is no way the get administrative access through sieveshell, is there some other way to administer other people's scripts without knowing their passwords? Is it possible to maintain the scripts 'by hand' (I mean, just edit them in /var/lib/sieve, compile them, and correctly set the defaultbc link), or is this asking for trouble?

Thanks for your time, kind regards,

Gerard Kok
Network administrator
Software Improvement Group
The Netherlands

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