
I have a question regarding the charset encoding of Sieve scripts which
I have not been to find a definite answer to elsewhere.

As I understand it, Cyrus expects Sieve scripts to be UTF-8 encoded. Is
this also true of mailbox names in a fileinto action? Cyrus supplies
mailbox names in modified UTF-7. Would it be correct, then, to say that
mailbox names need to be converted from MUTF-7 to UTF-8 when writing a
Sieve script?

If so, then is it the case that lmtpd coverts the mailbox name in a
fileinto action back from UTF-8 to MUTF-7 when parsing the script?

Also, am I right in thinking that header string matching is always done
UTF-8, and non-UTF-8 mail headers are converted to UTF-8 first?


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